Chapter Thirty Seven: Preparation

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(Your POV)

Me and Korra woke up bright eyed and bushy tailed the like the morning before to continue the evacuation and preparation. Wu has told us that his fleet will arrive in a day's time so me and Korra went around along with Mako, Bolin, and Alistair to get people to start packing. Some tried to disagree but we told them what was coming and they agreed quite quickly after that. We did this for several hours until about noon as we learned the Air Benders decided to take me and the other's place in getting people ready since we needed to meet with Varrick, Asami, and Alistair. Sarah is evacuating her and Alistair's parents personally to the Air Temple. They refused to leave according to Sarah and wanted to make sure their 'babies' came home safely so Tenzin offered to let them stay at the temple for the time being. We headed towards Varrick's workshop and did not bother to knock. We headed inside and saw Alistair addressing his Chi Blockers. Apparently they will be on the front lines with Lin's forces. We passed him up so we didn't interrupt his pep talk. As we enter the room that Varrick is we see Asami, Bolin, Mako, Hiroshi and Zhu. They all stopped taking once we entered.

Varrick: "Excellent you've come." Varrick says to us in a more serious tone then he's used before. We nod. "Hiroshi here has outfitted one of the smaller air crafts to be able to use plasma to cut through the mech... We just need a supply (M/n)." Varrick explained as he gestured to me.

You: "Got it. Lead the way Hiroshi." I said firmly to said man. He nods and gestures for me to follow him to the hanger nearby. Once we enter said hanger he guides me to a two-man craft. He opens what looks like a storage tank.

Hiroshi: "Don't fill it to the brim but get it full enough." Hiroshi said to me firmly. I nod and take my fire stance. I begin shooting balls of plasma into the tank. "That's enough." He said to me before I shot another ball. I stopped my movements and the plasma in my hands disappeared. "I just hope it's enough." Hiroshi said sounding unsure. I approach him and look into the now glowing tank.

You: "It will be... We just have to get close." I said looking at him He nods in response but doesn't look at me. "Has... Asami talked to you?" I asked gently so I don't come across rude. He nods his head yes much to my relief.

Hiroshi: "Yes... We buried the hatchet thankfully... Thanks for asking her to." He said kindly as he looked at me. I simply shrugged as we turned to go back to Varrick's shop.

You: "I hate seeing families fight so it was no problem." I said kindly as I patted his shoulder. He smiled a small bit as we left the building. As we walked back to Varrick's he didn't say much else not that I'm surprised at all. As we entered we saw that Varrick was discussing the plans we had come up with yesterday.

Varrick: "Have you chosen your stealth team yet?" Varrick asked Korra whom shakes her head no.

Korra: "I'm doing that as soon as we are done here." Korra stated firmly. Varrick nodded in response before looking at me.

Varrick: "We still are unsure how to use you... Your plasma could help but you'd be an easy target." Varrick said to me sounding slightly unsure on what I should do. I smirk at him slightly.

You: "I'll be helping Lin and Sue distract it. Since I can actually damage it in some fashion odds are it will be more effective if I do so... I'll also be on standby if Korra needs my help." I said looking at the woman I love. She smiles and nods to me before Varrick speaks again.

Varrick: "Smart.... Just try hard not to die." Varrick said in his usual chipper tune. I nod to him and he smiles wide. I see him pull a small box from his coat and look towards Zhu... He has to do this now. Really? "Zhu-Li..." He gets on one knee as I begin to shake my head. He shows her the ring and she gains a surprised look. "Will you do the thing forever with me?" He asks her smiling. I see small tears form in Zhu's eyes as she jumps on him.

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