Chapter Twenty Two: The Earth Queen

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(Your POV)

See... We were right. It's been two weeks since we arrived in Zaofu and Opal hasn't learned allot. I'm so shocked. Well looks like we get our way which is good. I also spent that time teaching the damned chefs how to cook. They didn't like the idea of listening to me but Sue made it very clear that they should listen to 'The Thunderer.' They reluctantly agreed but were surprised that I knew what I was doing even if I sucked at explaining it. Let's just say the food quality here has increased quite a bit. Right now I am simply in my room on the Airship thinking. I want to visit Ba-Sing-Se the home of Hou-Ting. The Earth Queen. I don't like breaking promises after all. I then here a knock on the door which shakes me from my thoughts.

You: "Come In." I say calmly. The door opens to reveal Mako. "Hey man. Need something?" I ask him smiling slightly. He nods looking a bit worried.

Mako: "You Okay? You've been in here most of the day." He asks me sounding slightly worried. That's true, I basically woke up and sat here unless I was hungry.

You: "Just wondering if I should pay Hou-Ting A visit since we're close by. I made a promise to after all." I said with a small smirk on my face. He chuckles and shakes his head at me.

Mako: "Good news for you then." I tilt my head at him. "We have to go there. Zaheer may be there." He said returning my small smirk. Now I'm concerned. Why would he go there? Unless...

You: "Any idea why?" I ask him curiously. He nods his head yes to me. I'm guessing he wants someone dead.

Mako: "He hates world leaders. Some natural order crap. As much as people don't like Hou-Ting we don't need her dying." He said sounding frustrated at the idea. I sigh slightly frustrated as well at the Idea I may have to protect her. It makes sense he'd want her dead. Not only is she a leader but she's a bad one at that.

You: "Ah... Well I get to visit at least." I said with a sigh at the end as he shakes his head at my disappointment. Then I think of something that I have been wondering. "Has Bolin asked Opal out yet?" I ask him with a small smile. We've been waiting for the past week fir him to do so. He smirks and nods his head. Nice. "Good. She accepted I'm guessing." I ask assuming the answer especially since i made him look damned good to her. He nods again. "Good. Took long enough." I said smiling as he laughs. I'm so glad that they're dating. Over the past two weeks they have been flirting with each other.. They're so cute together that sometimes I feel like I should vomit.

Mako: "Yeah. Anyway we will be coming back here after that so we can pick up Opal." He said a bit flatly to me. I nod in response. That makes sense since we don't need to drag her with us for this nonsense.

You: "Alright. When are we leaving?" I ask him. He shrugs a bit. Meaning he has a guestimate.

Mako: "A couple of hours." He responds not sounding a hundred percent sure. I nod and with that we exchange a goodbye and he leaves my room. Again here I sit alone. Thinking. I have a sinking feeling something bad is about to happen. To Korra specifically... And I don't think I can stop it.


(Still Your POV)

We are now approaching Ba-Sing-Se. Sue and Opal came to see us off. Well me because I didn't go see them but still. I am currently on the deck looking out at the approaching city. It's been awhile since I've been here. The last time I was here I was almost kidnapped by some religious colt or something... I was... Thirteen I think. Anyway. The City itself is quite... Large. It makes Republic City look like a small town. It is separated into three rings. Each ring, if I recall, is dedicated to a different standard of living. The entire city was modernized a while ago but the lower class has been struggling ever since Hou-Ting took the throne. Though from above it's hard to describe the buildings most have the normal earth bender green as their roofs. I do remember that the city was built mostly out of different kinds of stone such as Red Clay, Sedimentary rocks, etc. And there it is. In the center the Red palace of the earth queen herself. The only building whose outer structure has not been modernized. The Airship comes to a stop not far from the city's gates and begins to lower. As soon as it hits the ground and the engines are cut we begin to exit the craft. We are let into the city gates by some guards men... Gods the lower ring has gone to absolute hell. It was rough the last time I was here but this... Is worse... The people look like they haven't been fed in months, the ground is covered in what I really hope is water and the buildings are in disrepair to the point they look like they might collapse. Maybe she should be removed and replaced though I doubt Zaheer cares about these people. We just continue walking. The middle ring is far better off. Nothing like the outer ring. Everyone here is well fed, the buildings are well repaired and the streets are streets not some mud mess. The high class ring now is damned near spotless. Though there aren't nearly as many people out and about and the streets are a nice white tile. Lin seems to spot someone and pulls me aside.

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