Chapter Thirty: You Think You've Seen Hell?

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(Your POV)

A year has come to pass. Korra is now able to walk with crutches and gets stronger and stronger every day. At this rate she'll be walking by the end of the month. Olivia once again came down here for her birthday much to our and Jeckra's joy. Alistair has talked about maybe asking Asami a huge question which I encouraged him to do the last time I was in town. He said he'd buy the item needed and think about it. Sarah and Mako have been helping the city try and fight back the vines and have been a hell of a power couple in doing so. Bolin... I haven't heard much from but the last time we heard from him he seemed quite happy... Today however I was asked to meet with Tonraq, Sue, and Korra. I go to Korra's house and knock on the door. It opens and Tonraq welcomes me inside. I see Sue and Korra sitting at the table. I sit down and Tonraq does the same in his chair.

Tonraq: "Thank you for coming (M/n)." Tonraq says to me in an almost official style tone. I look at him and nod. "We have a request." He says to me in a unchanging tone. I tilt my head and look confused.

You: "Okay... What do you need? I need details before I agree." I ask them matching his tone of voice. He nods and gestures to Sue. I look at her and she looks rather serious.

Sue: "I am going to try and talk Kuvira down at Tonraq's request... We thought if either you or Korra came it may help. Since Korra is still recovering we wanted to know if you'd go instead?" She asks me seriously. I raise an eyebrow at her.

You: "I'm not much of a negotiator... I always tell the truth." I say in a skeptical tone. Its a strange idea thinking I can help with this situation. She nods and looks like that's what she wants. Tonraq speaks up.

Tonraq: "Considering you have... Seen the worse of battle... We thought you could provide insight." Tonraq said to me. I look at him surprised... I told him and Senna a few months ago about the dream and what happened that day... I never thought it could be an asset.

You: "I... I don't know..." I said sounding unsure. I look at Korra who is smiling at me. "Do you think I should... I mean I'd have to leave you for a while." I said sounding quite unsure. She smiled gently and nodded yes at me.

Korra: "If it can help yes. Next to that I know you'll come back." She says smiling at me in a reassuring tone of voice.. I smile back and turn to Sue.

You: "When will we leave then and how long will we be gone?" I asked her. She sighed in visible relief.

Sue: "A week at most. And we leave as soon as you are ready. My sister lent me her airship." She says to me. I nod and smile gently.

You: "I don't know if I can help but... I'll try. After the talks are over I'm coming straight back here." I said as I look at Korra. "I have been thinking of an idea to build your strength up when you can walk on your own." She looks confused. "That'll have to wait till then however." She rolls her eyes playfully at me as I chuckle at her expression. I stand up. "Let me pack a bag then." Sue nods and I head back to Kya's house. I get back to Kya's house quickly and head inside. "Kya, Katara are you here?" I ask out. I here Kya shout yes. I follow the voice and knock on the door. She says come in and I see her and Katara talking. "I have some news." I said looking at them. Kya tilts her head at me.

Kya: "What is it?" She asked sounding curious.

You: "Tonraq and Sue have asked me to go to a sit down with Kuvira. They think my experience with... The worse parts of battle can convince her to stand down." Kya looks concerned as Katara looks a bit surprised. "I never thought that day would be an asset... I said yes and I leave today." Katara nods at me as Kya still looks concerned.

Kya: "Are you sure? I mean we're so close to getting Korra walking and then you-" I cut her off by raising my hand.

You: "She said I should go." Kya nods looking a bit relieved... I then remember something I've been meaning to talk to Kya about. "Katara." She looks at me. "Can you... Give me and Kya a minute?" I ask her politely. She smiles and nods. She knows what I want to say. She gets up and leaves the room. She shuts the door behind her as I breathe in deeply.

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