Chapter Thirty Eight: Everything Can Change In A Single Moment

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(Alistair's POV)

We watch as the giant mech enters the city. I am surprised at its size but I do not show it as her forces approach me, Mako, Bolin and my chi blockers. I also see three mechs wondering the streets behind them likely looking for Korra and the others. What looks like their leader tells his men to hold when they are close enough to speak to us. He then shouts towards us.

Commander: "IF YOU STAND DOWN YOU WILL BE SPARED!!" The leader shouts loudly at us like he has some authority over us. I simply pull my recently upgraded sword from my back and slam it into the concrete which cracks slightly on impact. I crack my neck before shouting back.

Alistair: "COME THEN!!! FORCE US OUT!!!" I shout trying to get his and his forces to engage us. It seems to work as he gestures his men to approach our group.

As they do I pull my sword up and hold it in front of me with two hands. I rev the handle twice heating up the blade slightly so it glows a slight bit orange. Mako and Bolin take their stances as my chi blockers do the same. One of The Commander's men is ordered to throw a boulder at us. I step in front of the group and take a wide stance. I rev up my sword more as the man throws the boulder at us. I hold my swords edge to the side as it approaches. Once close enough I swing with the immense force I am accustomed to and the boulder gets cut in two easily thanks to my strength and the heat of my blade. I may have confidence issues with people but my fighting prowess is not in question in my mind.. Bolin deflects the two pieces as I eye the commander whom is shocked at my actions. I resume my normal stance as he recovers from the surprise. He orders his men to rush us. I yell for my men to attack and we all charge the group. The commander sends another boulder towards me which I simply slide under. Once I am close enough I jump, spin and my blade clashes with the commander's metal armor. He grunts as it makes contact as I keep my blank face. He manages to push me back and two of his men rush me. The first tries to punch me. I block it with one arm, spin my blade to where the handle is pointing up, and ram the hilt of my blade into the soldier's gut. He stumbles back. The other man tries to nail me with a rock. I side step it and slash his metal chest plate after revving my sword up once. The chest piece is now dangling from his chest. I then swing me sword's flat side at his side with as much force as I can muster. It makes impact and he goes a tumbling a few feet to my right. As he stands however one of my chi blockers disables him completely by hitting his pressure points. I look back at the other soldier as he gets blasted by a fire ball knocking him out. I smirk and turn to the commander that has covered one arm with a metal spike though I notice he sacrificed his arm armor to do so. I reassume my stance. He points the spike at me trying to taunt me but I remain completely stoic. He then charges me with the spike. I rev my sword three times and block his spike. My blade managed to move into the spike slightly before the heat dissipated do to coming in contact with the cold metal. He tries to push back but a put my left palm on the flat side of my blade and match the force. I see his stance suffer as a result and break the clash. I swing my large sword around my side before resting it on my shoulder. We begin circling one another as I get into my normal stance. We're in a stand-off. Watching to see whom will attack or flinch first. Luckily we hear a mech fall. He turns his head slightly and I take the opportunity to charge him. He barely dodges and we begin to exchange clashes. The sound of metal clashing against metal can be heard over the fighting around us. The way he is looking at me as we collide tells me he is surprised I can swing the large sword with such ease. Soon my blade's edge collides with the spike on his arm and he stumbles. I take the opportunity to quickly rev my sword up to its max of five. The blade is now glowing a bright red. He once again lunges at me. I sidestep and prepare my struck. With one swift movement I swing straight down with immense force. My blade goes straight through with ease and slices his arm off just below the elbow. He screams in pain as I rev up once more. I sear his wound so he will not bleed out. He passes out due to the pain and I turn my attention to the others. Two of my blockers have been disabled so that leaves me with two more targets. The two take their respective stances before attacking me in a pair. I crack my neck once more before jabbing my sword into the wall next to me. I have use for it here. They both jump to punch me. I simply block both and push them back. It's been awhile since I have had to engage multiple targets at once but It should be simple enough. They both come in to engage me at the same time. Likely hoping to over whelm me. I easily begin deflecting their jabs, kicks, and punches as I lead them closer to my sword. Once I am close enough I knock one back by countering his kick and kicking him in the gut. The other goes for a punch. I grab his arm, punch his face, proceed to break the arm I have grabbed just below the elbow, grab his shoulder and send him into my swords hilt knocking him out cold. The other man who has recovered seems shocked at my actions. I simply nod to him and he seems to take a step back before resuming his stance. He seems so unnerved and it shows as he tries to hit me. I easily sidestep, grab his fist, punch him in the gut, stomp his ankle breaking it, and punch his face making him hit the ground. I stomp his head one good time to make sure he stays knocked out. I turn to see Lin looking at me surprised.

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