Chapter Ten: Who Sent You?

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(Your POV)

Two weeks later and she has not made a single mistake today. She's a fast learner. Most take months to learn this stuff. That'll change once I teach her how to channel the electricity however. We haven't moved on from just normal rope darts since we started. I need her to have a basic understanding of how to use one properly before I can teach her anything else. We haven't really gone into the city much over these two weeks mainly due to training and me wanting to be close to Olivia since she was sick. She's not anymore so now we could. She ends her session and I speak.

You: "You're a natural. I don't think anyone has learned to use a rope dart that quickly. There is still room for improvement but I think we can safely move to the next step." I said smiling slightly. She looks at me bowing before me. "Stop." She does just that standing back up straight smirking. Smart ass.

Korra: "Well thank you. What step would that be?" She asked. I just smiled. I summoned my whips. "Oh. Finally bending then?" She asked sounding quite excited. I nod smirking at her. This'll be the fun bits.

You: "Yes. You already have your drive. So what I need you to do is imagine the shape you want in your mind. Concentrate on your hand and try and summon a bolt." She just nodded and closed her eyes. I just stand there and think. (In Thought): 'I wonder if she'll do it on the first try,'

She tried and tried and tried again over the course of an hour, however after what seemed like days she finally was able to produce a single whip.

You: "EXCELLENT KORRA!!" I shouted. "Now I want you to try to throw it out like a rope dart." I exclaimed. She smiled. She sent it out but it recoiled off the dummy and hit the ground. I chuckle. "Remember, each thing that exists in this world has mostly positive charges. You need to switch yours to negative. Now concentrate on manipulating its charge." I said calmly. She nodded and began, however something I didn't expect began to happen. It started going slightly erratic. "Korra stop. You're losing control." She obeyed and the whip disappeared. She just sighed. "Hey don't worry too much. I honestly didn't even expect you to produce a whip yet let alone be able to toss it out. At this rate you'll learn everything I have to teach you in no time." I said as I patted her on the back. At least she didn't hurt anything. That's a good sign that she has excellent control

Korra: "Well I appreciate that you think so. It just doesn't feel good to fail." She said as she sighed. I simply smirk. I get her attention before speaking.

You: "Why do we fall Korra?" I asked. She smiled knowing what I wanted my answer to be.

Korra: "To learn to pick ourselves back up." She said smiling widely. I smiled and laughed. I stood back up and looked at her.

You: "Now. Let's try again shall we?" I asked and she just nodded.


We decided to take a break for lunch. She actually managed to use a whip successfully but did smack herself in the face once. After I made sure she wasn't hurt, I nearly died laughing as she just pouted with her arms crossed. I see Beifong speaking with Tenzin. I decide to go say hello.

You: "Chief Beifong. How have you been lately?" I asked politely. She just sorta smiled. That's a good sign from her.

Beifong: "Good. I've been meaning to talk to you anyway." She said. I raised an eyebrow and nodded. "I met a man in a black coat a couple of weeks ago that said he was part of your old clan. He said he wished to reconcile for what he said to you when you fled the village." She said smiling. My eyes widen. What? They're all dead...

You: "None of my clan survived. Even those boys that yelled at me. I found them dead on the road about a week later." I said. Ah hell who the hell did she send here? Shit, shit, shit Her eyes widen.

The Electrical Conduit. Male Reader x KorraWhere stories live. Discover now