Chapter Twenty Eight: A Helpful Spark

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(Your POV)

Six months... It's been six months since I moved here. I still go back as promised to see Olivia. She's growing up so fast and according to Tenzin she may master air bending within a few years if she keeps up her progress. Mako and Sarah began dating much to no one's shock. Asami and Alistair have never been happier with one another... Bolin left to join the metal benders so he fight for what he believes in. As for Korra... She still can't walk and her anger at that only increases every day. I predict she will lash out soon. I don't know how or when she will but it will happen. She's been writing Asami for advice on her struggles alongside asking me. Asami always writes back. When I was there a couple of days ago she told me about it which is the only reason I know. Maybe it's time for a lecture or something. After all I am still her teacher... And I love her. Right now I am currently waiting for Korra and Katara to arrive at the area they have been using so we can continue the sessions. I hear the door open and look to see Katara and an irritated Korra. Yep, this has been her since last month. She's made little progress and she's getting frustrated which only makes it worse. Katara looks at me and smiles. I smile back and nod. Korra looks at me and sighs. I look at her thinking my lips as she wheels herself to the mat. I follow her and help her out of the chair. I help lie her on her back so she can move bend her knees. She does so but I can see the strain on her face as she does. It's a huge task just for her to bend her knees in this way, and we are just starting for the day.

You: "You're getting better at this." I said smiling at her trying to reassure her. She just sighs and continues to exercise.

Katara: "I agree." Katara simply states. I hear Korra sigh deeply again. "How is my son (M/n)?" Katara asked me with a blank expression that I have grown used to during my time here. I only got back last night from my most recent trip home and haven't updated anyone on anything just yet.

You: "Pretty good. He's still teaching the benders." She smiles at that. "He keeps telling me Olivia has great potential like Jinora... She's been making me so proud." I said with a proud smile thinking about my little girl. Katara and Korra both smile at what I have said.

Katara: "She doesn't mind you being away?" Katara asks me with the smallest amount of concern in her voice. I shake my head in A no fasion.

You: "No not really. She does miss me at times she tells me but she knows why I'm here and loves the fact I want to help... She misses Korra greatly." I say looking at said person. She smiles weakly at that as she puts her legs down to take a break.

Korra: "Miss... her... too." She says as she breathes in and out deeply catching her breath. Once she does she speaks again. "How is everyone else? What are they up to?" She asks me as she drinks some water that was nearby.

You: "Bolin left to join the metal benders led by some woman named Kuvira I think. He wanted to fight for something and since it's in Zaofu he moved there." She nods as I continue. "That girl I told you about. Sarah. Her and Mako have begun dating much to no one's surprise. Strange to watch them around each other. She's all smiles and positive vibes and he's stoic. Mako says he couldn't be happier however. You should see it. She can make him blush with a single look." Korra laughs a small bit at the prospect. "Asami has been... Well her and her father haven't talked much. According to Alistair they had a huge fight a few months ago when she visited him in prison." She looks concerned. "I don't know what will happen with that. Other than that she says she's beyond happy with Alistair. Over six months later and he's still somewhat shy with her. He does wish he could meet you. You saved his father when the Equalists sieged the city a year ago." She smiles slightly. "He wants to thank you." She waves it off as she starts again. This time the strain on her face is worse. I look at her concerned for a moment before turning my attention to Katara.

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