Chapter Thirty Four: Going Home

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(Your POV)

Me and Korra have packed up the tent and are waiting for Toph to come out so she can follow us to Zaofu. We both are fully dressed and leaning against a tree. Then we see Toph come out and we stand straight. She follows us as we begin to track back to Zaofu... Man they're going to be pissed. Or relieved... Both? We all walk for hours talking very little due to how early we left. After a few hours of walking Zaofu comes into view. Me and Korra sigh in relief and Toph chuckles at our reactions. As soon as we enter the city a guard has us three follow him to Sue's place. As we walk up we see Lin's ship. Before we can enter Sue and Lin come bolting out towards us. Once they get there they have a look of worried and pissed on their faces.

Sue: "Where the hell did you two go!? You can't just vanish on people!!" Sue shouts at us sounding somewhere between angry and worried sick. I go to speak but she cuts me off. "We were worried sick!!" She yells at us again. I put my hand up so I can speak.

You: "We went to improve Korra's strength. She's even stronger than she was before Zaheer attacked her. I also managed to discover new abilities." She now looks confused. I sigh. "It'd take too long to explain... Now... I'm glad you're here Lin." Lin looks at me and I smile. "We brought a guest... After some convincing anyway." I said softly with a hint of pride in my voice. Lin and Sue look confused until me and Korra move out of the way. Both go wide eyed looking at their mother.

Toph: "Nice to see you to." Toph said to her children. Sue has tears in her eyes and Lin looks like she's fighting them back. Toph opens her arms. "Come on you big lugs." Toph said smiling and both jump into her arms hugging her tightly.

I sigh happily at the sight though I can't lie... I'm a bit envious. Korra taps my shoulder and when I look at her she's gesturing for me to follow her. I nod and we leave the reunited family to their moment. I tell a guard to tell them we'll be inside. He nods but waits like I wanted. When we head inside my head starts swimming with thoughts... That scene... That's the one thing I want but can never have... I want to see them one last time but will never be able to... I need to accept it but... As I am thinking I don't even realize that me and Korra have arrived at our room. I shake my head as she opens the door and we head inside. I put the pack down and sit on the bed still thinking. She seems to notice and sits next to me. She takes my hand and I look at her.

Korra: "What's wrong?" She asks me looking concerned. I sigh and shake my head looking down.

You: "Lin and Sue got to see their mother again... I guess it hit me harder than I expected... Seeing Toph be reunited with her kids..." I said not looking at her. She hums quietly in response. "It's stupid I know." I said with a weak chuckle. She makes me look at her.

Korra: "No, it's not stupid. I can't say I understand fully but I know it hurts you." She said with a warm expression and a sympathetic tone. "I know it may not help but even if you can never see your clan again... You have us. And me." She said as she caressed my cheek. I smile and lean into her hand slightly.

You: "I know that... And I'll never be able to thank you enough." I said smiling at her. I caress her cheek and bring her in for a kiss which she gladly accepts. When she pulls back I ask something. "What did I do to deserve someone like you?" I ask her in a gentle tone. She chuckles and then smirks at me.

Korra: "You're pretty good looking. That helps." She says playfully. I roll my eyes smiling. "Seriously though. You're just you. A good person." She said in a gentle and loving tone.

You: "That's pretty cliché." I said smirking. She punches my shoulder playfully in response. "Still... Thank you for accepting me.... Messed up emotions and all." I said smiling warmly at her. She smiles back and kisses my cheek before leaning on my shoulder. "Odds are we'll be heading back to the City... You ready for that?" I ask her. She sighs slightly at my question.

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