Chapter Twenty: The Confession

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(Your POV)

Two days we've been waiting... They should be coming back soon... I hope. Me and Korra have enough food and water to last awhile but still. We've talked about allot of things. Mainly things we want to do without lives and what not. Though I didn't have any good answers... That damn inscription that I've had to wake up to for two days now is eating at the back of my head. IT's going to make me break if we stay here too much longer. Korra hasn't said anything about it which I am thankful for. It got quite cold last night so she is wearing my coat while I'm in the undershirt that goes with it. I'm starting to feel anxious now... I need to vent or train or some damned thing to get my mind off this but I can't... I then hear Korra fidget in her sleep. I can't tell but I'd wager it's about five in the morning. I go to her side and sit next to her. She then rolls over to me and snuggles into my side. I stiffen slightly then relax as I look at her sleeping form... I think this may be only the second time I've seen her with her hair down... She looks beautiful like that... Not that she doesn't by default... I then wrap my arm around her to bring her closer. I see her smile in her sleep when I do that. I use my free hand to gently move some hair out of her face. She's not cold it seems... Probably just an unconscious action then... Not that I mind. I then look forward only to be met with that damned inscription again... It's slowly eating at me... The more I think about it the worse it feels. I decide to try and sleep as to not look at it anymore. I close my eyes and begin to relax... Gods I'm going to break if I'm not damn careful. Korra doesn't deserve that...


(Korra's POV)

I slowly start waking up. I feel I am leaning on something soft and nuzzle into it not knowing what it is... After a minute I realize who it is and was about to jolt until I felt the weight of his arm around me. I look up and he's asleep. I guess I rolled into him at night and he let me stay there. I'm also using his jacket as a blanket. I smiled as I pulled it more around me. I look up again at (M/n) and see his eyes fluttering. I wonder what he's dreaming about. I then look back at the wall in front of us and I am reminded about what he read... I should say something but... I don't know how to bring it up. Hm. Maybe I should just be blunt... It may be the only way to force it out... I then relax against his side once more... I'm going to ask. He needs to get it out and now is the best time to do so... We're alone and no one can judge him... I won't... I just hope he knows that. Will he be willing to open up? If I can get him to I just hope he won't hate me after. So here I lay waiting for him to wake up... The more I think about what I'm going to do the more nervous I start to get... I don't want him to hate me... I like him too much for that, but I can't stand to see him like that. The only way to make sure he doesn't remain that way is to force the confrontation. I can only hope he won't be upset and not want to speak to me again... But If that's what it takes to help the poor man than that's what I'll endure. Given time he may understand why I did it and forgive me.


(Your POV)

I awoke with a slight start. Ever have those dreams where you're falling... Yeah that was it. I look over to my side to see Korra awake. I mover my arm out of the way so she can sit up. She stays there for a moment before doing so. She looks like she's been thinking a bit.

You: "You okay?" I ask as I sit up completely and take a swig from my flask of water.

Korra: "Yeah I was just thinking about something." She says sounding a bit worried. I look at her with concern and my head tilted slightly.

You: "Want to talk about it?" I ask, concern heavily shown in my voice. Even when she was thinking of something serious she had an air of... 'I can do it' around her but not with this. She seems worried she may screw something up. That's not like her.

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