Chapter Thirty Six: New Faces And A Man Made Monstrosity

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(Your POV)

It's been about a week and a half since... we came back from my old home... It still hurts but... I feel allot better about it. Olivia and Mako are currently helping me nail a new shelf to the wall of my room... With Tenzin's permission of course. Sarah gave it to me this morning along with the frames Alistair and Asami bought while they were out and waiting to meet someone named 'Varrick.' Odds are I'll meet him and his current girlfriend before the day is done. We also have to meet Fire Lord Izumi and some guy named Prince Wu after we finish here. Korra has already gone to meet the ladder of the new people we are meeting today. Mako finishes nailing the last bit and looks at me after making sure it's level.

Mako: "There you go man." Mako said to me calmly. I smile at the shelf and look at him.

You: "Thanks." I replied a bit quietly though I don't know why. He nods and waves me and Olivia off before leaving. I look at my daughter and see her already getting the picture frames and item boxes ready for me. I smile at her as she does so. "Thanks pumpkin." I said in a gentle tone. She smiled but doesn't take her eyes off what she's currently doing.

Olivia: "No problem dad. I know these mean allot to you. And to me." She said kindly while her smile never leaves her face. I stifle a chuckle and look at the items on my desk.

The symbol, the coin, my rope dart, and all the photos are currently on my desk waiting to be put away. I smile softly while looking at them. I then hear Oliva shuffle on my bed and tap my arm. I look at her and see that she has each storage item ready to be used. I smiled at her and gently took the first small frame meant for the cloth with our clan's symbol on it. Olivia gently grabs the cloth and places it underneath the glass frame. I seal it firmly and look at it. The cloth is sitting perfectly flat and the symbol is able to be seen quite well. I placed it on the furthest right side of the shelf so that it won't be hidden by everything else. Next is a box meant for the coin and rope dart. Both are formed to fit both thanks to Sarah taking measurements of both. I placed both gently into their respective slots before placing it in the middle of the shelf with its lid open for all to see. Next are the photos and their frames. Me and Olivia gently take one each and place them in their new frames. Once that was done I gently placed each one on the left side making sure none get obscured by anything. After that was done Olivia handed the incense burner Tenzin gave me and I placed it in front of the box. I lit two incense with a spark and placed them in the burner. I smiled as I stepped back and admired our work.

You: "Looks great... Thanks for the help pumpkin." I said looking at Olivia before kissing the top of her head. She smiled at our work and then at me.

Olivia: "Of course dad. Now I can see my grandparents anytime I want." Olivia says happily. I chuckle and nod at her. She then hears her name get called. Likely Tenzin. "Got to go train. Bye dad!" She said happily before running off. I smile and shake my head before leaving my room.

I start heading towards the city since it's about time for me and Korra to meet this Varrick character. After arriving on the city docks I start heading to the area I was told to meet Korra, Wu, and the president at. A few minutes later I arrive and I see man looking at Korra in a certain way. He's flirting with her. He's wearing a green royal outfit, has a darker skin tone, short black hair, and green eyes. He's rather skinny as well. He's flirting with her but she seems more annoyed then anything. I decide to walk up directly behind this person and just stand there.

(???): "You know I'm a prince." He said to Korra in a flirty tone of voice. This must be Prince Wu.

Korra: "And I told you I don't care." Korra said flatly. Wu does not seem deterred by her tone of voice and continues.

Wu: "Come on... Just come with me to dinner tonight. You'll love it I promise." He said in that same tone as before. I see Korra sigh tiredly before turning around. She sees me and I gesture for her to stay quiet. She does so and looks at Wu.

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