Chapter Two: Why On Earth Would I?

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(Your Pov)

I ended up asking where the local security station was. Once I knew I began headed towards it but I had a feeling someone was following me. I started walking slightly faster so I could hear their footsteps or feel their electric impulses in their muscles. I was right as always. This "Being special" crap is beyond hurtful to my health. I walked down a secluded alleyway and waited in the dark. Though it was dark I could tell the ally way was wet. Probably from the windows above me dumping water out. The figure charged me only to for me to trip them and hold them by their throat and slam him into a wall. I heard the bricks of the building shift slightly on impact. The man in front of me is wearing what seems to be official clothing. Like a servant or an ambassador would wear. Thanks to how dark it is in the ally I can't make out any symbols that would give away who he works for. This man has pale skin and well combed black hair. His eyes are a dark green and he has no facial hair. I charged some (F/C) electricity in my other hand and spoke.

You: "Who are you and why were you following me?" I asked the man coldly glaring into his soul. He began shaking. Pathetic. They should've sent a warrior not this coward.

???: "I-I-I'm" He stuttered. It only served to piss me off royally. He's wasting my damned time the bastard.

You: "YOU ARE WEARING MY PATIENCE THIN!!!!" I shouted with as much venom as I could muster. I swear I see him crap his pants. He breathes in deeply before speaking up again.

???: "I'm the man that was supposed to pick you up and bring you to my queen." He replied. He manged not to stutter which was interesting. I shake my head at him not changing my hate filled expression.

She's going to be so pissed when she realizes she's lost me. I darkly chuckled at the thought. I proceeded to use my electrically charged hand to grab his arm to burn him as I spoke.

You: "Run back to her and tell her if she sends anyone else I'll pay her a visit and when I do she will wish for something as sweet as the pain you just experienced." I threatened still glaring at the quivering excuse of a man in front of me.

He nods frantically and I let him go. He runs off while clutching his now severely damaged arm and I continue to the station. I know she'll send someone new after me... I won't kill her but she will wish she never messed with me. No one cares for her anyway.

(Korra's Pov)

We went to the police station that Lin used to work at to ask the officers to keep an eye out for someone whom may be able to bend electricity. Some laughed at us but they still agreed to keep an eye open as a favor to me for helping out in their fight against the equalists. As we were leaving a (H/C) (H/L) haired man with (E/C) eyes walked to the front desk. He's not bad looking to be honest but there is something else. He felt... Energized.

You: "I just need some directions down town. Maybe a map?" The man asked politely. I even see a slight smile on his face though I get the feeling it's forced so he seems nice.

Officer: "Do I look like a damned guide?" The officer said glaring at the man. That was rude. He just needs directions. Geez. These officers are... Well jack asses.

You: "No, but I figured you guys know the city the best." He said still trying to sound as polite as possible. His demeanor didn't change. He still had the small smile trying to be nice. Poor guy's trying so damned hard to be nice.

Officer: "Well too bad we're busy." The officer spat at the man. Wow what a prick. He isn't asking for much. Maybe we should help him... He could help us. After all the energy around is... Energized.

The boy sighed and began to exit the building. I looked to the others and gestured for us to follow him. They looked confused but ended up agreeing and following me out of the building after him. We followed him outside and I called out before he walked off.

The Electrical Conduit. Male Reader x KorraWhere stories live. Discover now