Chapter Twenty Seven: A Day With Family And Fulfilling A Promise

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(Korra's POV)

We just got done with my treatments today and just like every day I feel as though not a damn thing has changed... I know I should be patient but I just want to walk again. I wheel myself back to my room to relax. When I get there I notice there is a new letter on my table. I wheel over and grab it. It's from (M/n). I'm so happy he wrote me finally. I open it and read it. He couldn't write me because the adoption process had his hands full. I figured but I am still happy he was able to write me finally. He also says he misses me and is worried. I smile at that. It feels nice to know he cares so much. I then get slightly excited at the next part. He says about a week or a week and a half after he wrote this he'll be coming down here to stay... This was sent about four days ago so he'll be here sooner than I expected. I smile wider at that. It'll be nice to have someone here I feel so comfortable with... I've been thinking about him more lately. It's strange. When we first met he seemed so cold but he quickly turned out to be one of the most caring people I have ever known. I re read the letter again until I hear a knock at my door. I call them in and it's mom.

Seena: "Who's that from sweetie?" She asks me while smiling. I blush slightly but hand her the letter. She reads it and smiles. She looks back at me. "Excited?" She asks me in a warm tone of voice . I nod and smile slightly.

Korra: "Yeah... It'll be nice having him here... Especially since we're so comfortable around each other." Mom then gains a smirk at my statement while I quickly try and recover. "W-what I meant w-was someone I c-could talk to freely." I stuttered out. She then laughed a small bit as I blushed and looked away.

Seena: "It's fine sweetie. I really like him." I look at her confused. "He's a good man. You know I'm going to make him eat dinner here with us most nights right?" She asked smirking again. I roll my eyes and smile. Both of my parents have praised him before but it's still nice and strange to hear considering they never said such things about Mako.

Korra: "Oh I know... I can't wait for him to get here." She smirks at me again and I roll my eyes playfully still holding my small smile.

After that she left my room and I pull myself on my bed. I read the letter again before putting it on my nightstand. I lay my head on my pillow and smile. He'll be here sooner rather than later.


(Your POV)

It has been a week and three days since I was able to proudly call Olivia my daughter. Currently however I am packing my things so I can move into Kya's home for the time being. As I am packing I get to the grandmaster's mask. I hold it in my hands and debate if I should just destroy it... I decide against it and put it in my bag to take with me. I then take a moment to look around the now empty room. I smile slightly. I've been living in here for the better part of a year. It feels odd to leave but I want to be with Korra. I grab my bag and leave my room after shutting the lights off. I walk into the main area and out my bag down. Everyone wanted to come see me off and I need to wait for training to finish and for Mako and Bolin to get back from... Whatever they were doing. I didn't wait long until I heard Asami's voice. I get up and head in its direction. I see her with Alistair so I stay out of sight so I can watch. They are talking about something. After a while they both fall silent and start to lean in. I watch while holding my breath until their lips meet in a tender and loving kiss. I'm having to bite my lip in order to keep quite. Then a loud booming voice makes them stop but they are blushing messes. I look towards the voice and see... Sarah? That blacksmith. I decide to show myself and walk towards the group. Sarah sees me, runs up and gives me a bone crushing hug.

Sarah: "(M/N)!!!! It's so good to see you!!" She shouts very loudly. I struggle to get the air to respond.

You: "You... Too... Need... Air." She gasps and lets me down. I take in a deep breath and smile at her. "What are you doing here?" I ask her. She smiles wide at me.

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