Chapter Twenty Three: The Trap

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(Your POV)

We are currently discussing a plan to take the Red Lotus by surprise if it comes down to it. Right now the best we have is having myself, and Tonraq waiting in the wings to ambush them. That's it. Being so damn fortified the Northern Temple doesn't leave many ways inside. Korra then chimes in.

Korra: "I know where he likes to meditate. I could go into the spirit world and find him." She suggested rather flatly. We all look at her as she says that. I shake my head at her slightly. It doesn't seem like it would help all that much.

You: "What would that even accomplish?" I asked seriously. Seems like it would do nothing but tell the bastard where we are right now. Assuming he does not know. Or he could force Korra to turn herself over.

Korra: "Could figure out what he wants or try and convince him to stand down." She replies sternly looking at me. I simply shake my head again.

You: "I hate to be the cynic... Well sort of but I don't think he will stand down. He wants chaos saying it's 'The Natural Order.' I doubt talking to him could help... But we have no other option until we can get a hold of Tenzin." I said sighing at the end in frustration. I hated this situation. What makes it worse is that I know Olivia is up there to... I swore to protect her. I look down at the thought. Zuko, who was standing next to me seemed to notice and placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

Zuko: "You didn't fail Olivia. You couldn't have seen this coming (M/n)." He said sternly in a reassuring tone. I sigh and nod my head in response. He's not wrong. I look at him and smile slightly. He smiles slightly in turn before returning his attention to everyone else.

Korra: "Alright... Do you think you can watch my body Sparky?" Korra asks me as she turns to look at me nnot uncrossing her arms. I look at her and nod in response. That'll be easy.

You: "No problem." I reply. She smiles at me and I smile gently in turn. We finalize our crappy plan and leave the room we are in. I notice however that Zuko is headed straight for his dragon. I asked Korra to wait a moment and she agrees. I run up to where he is. He is currently placing his bags on the Dragon. "Going to go protect Izumi I'm guessing?" I asked him with a sympathetic tone in my voice. He turned to me and nodded.

Zuko: "Zaheer is targeting world leaders... I need to protect my family." He said rather sadly. I close my eyes and nod before opening them again. I get it... I wasn't able to before but i can now and intend to with my life.

You: "I get that more than you may think... Well then. This is goodbye for now." I said smiling at him ever so slightly. He nodded but I decide to give him a quick hug before letting go and patting his arms lightly. "When we have the time me and Olivia will visit you guys. I promise." I said still smiling at him.

Zuko: "I'll look forward to it. Be careful Thunderer." He said as he boarded his dragon. "Don't get yourself killed." He requested sternly I nodded in response and with that his dragon ran, took off, and flew away.

I go back to the airship and look for Korra. I see her on the deck talking with her father. He seemed really worried not that I blame him. If I am not mistaken she is his only child and she's in danger. I hang back for a moment to let them talk in private. After sometime and hugging Tonraq waves me over. Once I approach he speaks to me.

Tonraq: "Keep a close eye on her (M/n). I don't want her hurt." He said looking me in the eye with astern tone. I nod and keep the stare. I understand why he's worried so much.

You: "I will. I promise." I said just as sternly. He smiles ever so slightly in response, pats my shoulder and walks away. Promise... A honey laced word that can mean everything and nothing at the same time. I am interrupted from my thoughts thanks to Korra.

The Electrical Conduit. Male Reader x KorraWhere stories live. Discover now