Chapter Twenty Nine: Once I was.

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(Your POV)

Six more months... It's officially been two years since I've known everyone. I tried to convince everyone to come down here so we could all celebrate but... Life gets in the way sometimes. Bolin is still fighting the good fight. Asami is still not talking to her father but her and Alistair are still together. He's much more confident around her. Sarah and Mako are still together but they are both worried for Bolin... Kuvira has gained a following and it's concerning most of us. I resigned to writing letters telling everyone that I appreciate them and what they have done for me. I am currently waiting at the docks for Olivia. Her birthday is tomorrow and she's turning nine. It's about... Five P.m. I think. I smile as I see the ship she's on come into the horizon. As it docks and the stairs lower down I see a familiar face. Olivia practically jumps off the boat to hug me tightly. I hug her back and we stay that way for a few minutes. We then separate and I look at her. She's grown a bit.

You: "Hey pumpkin. You excited!" I ask her happily smiling wide at her. She giggles and nods excitedly.

Olivia: "You bet! A whole two weeks here with you and Korra! And on my birthday no less!" She exclaims extremely happily smiling ear to ear. I smile, pick her bag up and she grabs my hand before we start walking. I remember when I was young and Mom did this for me...


(Seven Year Old You POV)

Mom and I are walking to the store. She is holding my hand as we walk to the next town to but some food for home. I am very happy to be able to spend a day with Mom while dad is out on a mission. I enjoy training but even dad says we need a break or we will plateau and not be able to get stronger.

Mom: "Happy are we?" Mom asks me as she ruffles my hair. I laugh a small bit as she pulls her hand away.

You: "Of course! You know I love you and love spending time with you mom!" I say happily to her. She laughs at my happy attitude.

Mom: "I know sweetie! I love spending time with you to my little ball of energy!" Mom says happily smiling at me. I smile back and we continue down the dirt path.

We walk for about two hours until a small town comes into view. It's isn't to big but its bugger than home. The buildings are dark and made of wood. The roofs are red and there are many people going about their day. I get closer to mom because I am nervous. I hear her chuckle and squeeze my hand to reassure me. I smile and move back to where I was. She guides me to a store and before she heads inside she sees me looking at some kids playing. She nudges me forward and I look at the ground nervous. She places her hand on my shoulder, turns me around, and makes me look at her as she crouches down to my level.

Mom: "You should try and make friends with them (F/n). You need to make some friends or you'll be lonely." She said gently to me while smiling at me. I fidget around nervous.

You: "B-but what i-if they make f-fun of me... L-Like J-Jacob?" I ask slightly fearful at the idea. Jacob is another kid from our village that was a year older than me but always made fun of me. Mom smiles warmly at me.

Mom: "Then you come back to me and ignore them. You're a wonderful kid. No one can change that." Mom says kindly to me still smiling at me. I think for a moment before nodding and hugging mom. She hugs back and I walk over to the kids that are playing with a ball.

The first of the three is a bit chubby but is able to keep up with the other boy and the girl. He has dirty blonde hair that is cut short and blue eyes. The second boy is very thin. He has black hair that is tied in a tiny tail on his head and has orange eyes. The girl was a pure blonde. She had long hair that reached to her mid back and she had greyish type eyes though she didn't appear to be blind. I walked up and they all stopped and looked at me.

The Electrical Conduit. Male Reader x KorraWhere stories live. Discover now