Chapter Five: I Speak For Olivia

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(Your POV)

After my emotional breakdown I went to get ready as best I could. I bathed and all that. I would've washed my clothes but I figured if I did they would fall apart. Ikki showered me with something that smelt sweet and cold called peppermint to fight off the smell my clothes had. I smiled and thanked her. She just gave me a quick hug and ran off. I walked out into the main area of the temple to see Asami and Mako waiting for me. Oddly Korra is with them. I walked up and asked something.

You: "Are you coming to?" I asked looking at Korra. She sighed before replying.

Korra: "No. I have to stay and continue my training. I wanted to but I can't." She said sounding defeated.

I chuckled. I'm guessing Tenzin railed on her for even asking. I looked towards Asami and Mako whom seem slightly frustrated. I would have asked until Pema came out. She walked up to us and spoke to me.

Pema. "Tenzin railed on her for asking." I just chuckled as she continued. "He also suggests that you do not train her just yet so she can focus on air bending." I stared at her for a moment slightly surprised. Is he absolutely sure? I'd hate to just lay about and do nothing. Then I speak.

You: "Are you sure? I mean I'd hate to stay here and not be doing anything." I asked genuinely surprised he suggested this. I'd hate not to be doing anything while I'm staying here for free. That just feels like I'm exploiting them. She just smiled and nodded speaking.

Pema: "He had a feeling you'd say that. Tell you what if you're that concerned I could always use help around here. You could also sit in on their lessons so you may be better informed when you train Korra." I smiled and agreed to both. I don't mind cleaning things. It'd be a nice change of pace. Though I may need to... Learn a few things... Its been awhile since I've had a home where that kind of stuff is needed. She smiled at me and told me to meet her in the Kitchen when I get back. I nodded once again.

Pema walked off with Korra towards Tenzin. I waved them off before turning to Mako and Asami. Something tells me that they argued over something so I, like the helpful fool I tend to be asked a foolish question like the fool I am.

You: "You guys alright? I mean you guys look slightly angry." They looked at me when I said this. The both sighed slightly and looked at me. Then Asami spoke.

Asami: "No it's fine. Just a small couple spat and we are still slightly peeved." I raised an eyebrow and asked another question. What does that even mean? 'Couples Spat'. Sounds dumb.

You: "'Couples spat?' What does that mean?" Mako stifled a laugh at Asami giggled slightly. I raised my eyebrow again until Mako spoke holding in his laughter. What's so damned funny? I want to know.

Mako: "It just means we argued over something dumb. We-we'll be fine." He said as a laugh nearly escaped him. So it is dumb. Why not just say 'we argued over something dumb'. It's easier that way. Asamii just sighed and spoke again.

Asami: "We may need to explain some normal social things huh?" I blushed and looked away as she said this. It's true but did she really need to call it out. Geez. I spoke stuttering slightly.

You: "W-well t-to be fair I-I was on the road for a long time. Next to that why not just say 'small argument.' Less confusion that way." I said in my defense. Mako lost it. He was heaving in laughter, Asami laughed as well and I began to laugh. It's been awhile since I've done this. It's true I'll need some lessons when it comes to social things.

After we calmed down we headed into town. We looked through some shops until we arrived at this what I assume is a shoe store. The store's interior is a simple red and white affair. The carpet is well kept and a off white color. There are hundreds of pairs of shoes, boots, and high heels They were advertising half off on everything. I may be socially inept but I know a deal when I see one. They went and looked on their own as I looked in the boots section. I was looking and stopped in front of a pair of black boots. They seemed to have steel covering the toes and the boots went up to my calves. Asami happened to walk by as I tried them on. When I stood up I was about an inch taller but they felt amazing. I looked at her smiling. She looked at the price and they were very cheap thanks to the deal that was going on. She bought them and I hugged her tightly saying thank you over and over again. She seemed to blush when I hugged her but hugged back saying it was nothing.

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