Chapter Thirty One: The Final Session

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(Your POV)

I've been training Korra in electric bending for six months straight now. She's nearly mastered it as far as I can tell so today we will be doing two things. One will be manipulating a whip she lets go of. Two will be a sparring match between us. I am waiting in the training are for her to arrive. I think... Today I may try to tell her how I feel... Again. I shake my head and chuckle at the thought. I wait a bit longer but she doesn't arrive. I decide to go fetch her. I arrive at her Parents' house. I knock and Senna lets me in so I can go wake her. I knock on her door but hear nothing. I open the door and start talking.

You: "Wake up you're..." I cut myself off when I realize what's happening. She looking at me surprised as she as putting a shirt over herself... She's covered her upper half thankfully but I can still see her well-toned mid riff. I blush madly and shut the door. I walk back outside and back to the training area. I sit down wide eyed and still blushing. I hear footsteps and simply look down. I hear Korra chuckle and place a hand on my shoulder. I look up. "I'm so sorry Korra! I knocked but you didn't answer and I thought you were asleep." I said sounding worried and sad. She shakes her head at me.

Korra: "Its fine. I should've said something but the shirt was over my face." I blush even darker and look away. She chuckles at me some more. "Seriously I'm not mad. It wasn't like you meant to. Next to that it was only my stomach. I've seen your chest before it's not that bad." She says trying to reassure me. I look up and see her smiling at me. I sigh in relief and stand.

You: "Thanks..." I said shyly. She smiles brightly. I breathe in and out. "Anyway... I have two things planned today. One you know about." She nods at me. "If you can accomplish one of these then you have learned everything I can teach you. The rest takes practice and time." She smiles wide. I walk to the center and gesture for her to stay. I summon a whip and look at her. "You've shown you can manipulate a whip's shape to what you want but there is one more aspect." She looks at me intently. I get into piston and send the whip out. I detach it and begin manipulating it in the air. I end the session by making it strike the ground. I look back at her. "It may seem simple but it is the one skill I have yet to teach you... You will see why. Try it." I said as I gesture her to do so. She nods and we switch positions. She summons a whip and gets into position. She sends it out and detaches it. But as she tries and manipulate it simply changes directions and heads towards me. I simply duck and stand back up. "Remember Korra. It is erratic by its very nature... If you cannot control the one you summoned, let it go." I say sternly like a master should. She nods and gets ready to try again.

I watch her try this action for the next few hours making sure it's not her skill or maybe it's something I can only do. She does manipulate them slightly showing me she can do it I then realize why it isn't working. She has something on her mind I think. I signal her to stop and she complies. I walk over to a small area out of the way and pat the spot in front of me when I sit down. She does so.

You: "What's on your mind Korra? You're distracted." I ask her with a stern yet concerned voice. She sighs deeply at my question.

Korra: "Just thinking about all that's happened." I nod in understanding. "I can't get the thought that he just..." She said trailing off at the end. Ever since Zaheer came so close to killing her she's had trouble. Either it be when she was re learning how to walk or just in her room thinking. These emotions and memories haunt her but she wants to move passed it. She needs to accept it.

You: "I understand... Trust me I understand... But if I recall you showed me that wanting to ignore and move past it was a bad idea... Accepting it may be hard but... It is the best course." I said looking at her. She looked me in the eyes and smiled slightly. It faded as she spoke.

Korra: "Just like you though... It's not that damn easy." She says a bit sadly. I nod at her. That's true. I've yet to face my demon and it's been nearly three years since she made me confess in The Temple and yet I still can't go back yet.

The Electrical Conduit. Male Reader x KorraWhere stories live. Discover now