Chapter Nineteen: Raiden's Temple

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(Your POV)

I awake from dreamless sleep. Not that I'm surprised we all stayed up pretty late talking about things. Today is the day they want me to explore the Temple with them. The only reason they wish to do this is because they have yet to hear of any new air benders at the moment or sensed them lately. Which is fine considering the amount they have located. In fact I met one yesterday. His name is Kai. He's about Jinora's age has a skin tone a shade lighter to Korra's, black hair, was apparently a pickpocket before they found him, and obviously has a huge crush on her. I'd wager that's why he won't go to the Island. Heh. He had so many questions for me I ended up having to ask him to stop asking so many. He apologized but I just waved him off. I was just tired. I get up and see my clothes neatly folded on the end of my bed. I put everything on, stretch and head to the field this monstrosity is docked into. Though we stayed up late I still awoke at six in the morning. Everyone else is still asleep. Time to get back in the groove of things. I remove my white shirt and assume my stance. No distractions this time... I breathe in and out slowly as I begin my routine. Just as always I begin with some fluid movements before adding electricity. I handful of jabs, punches, and kicks later I perform a bicycle kick and stomp my foot to the ground. I now add electricity and a whip forms on my forearm that reaches to under my stomped foot. I kick it out swiftly and yank it back with enough force to have it dart pass me in a similar fashion. I then yank it back once more and spin it around my neck and hold the opposite end with my hands. I begin punching, kicking, and jabbing being mindful not to tangle the whip around my body. I then let the tip of the whip go and start spinning the whip around above my head. I pick up the speed as I crouch ever so slightly for my area of affect attack. As I raise back up the whip grazes my back and I lower my head so the whip is not obstructed. I once again yank the whip back one I stand up and start darting it in different directions. I then begin spinning the whip around my arms switching sides with each flip. I then detach the whip and send it into the air to practice fighting with a bolt as assistance. The bolt did its job s I manipulated it with my fists. After some time with that I bring it back to me, spin it in my hands, absorb it and sent it up into the sky as one bolt to dispose of it. I then take a few breathes. This entire process took about thirty minutes. It feels damn good to be back into the groove of things. I drink some water I got from the kitchen and head back out to repeat the process all over again.


(Korra's POV)

I wake up and yawn. I sit there for a moment waking up enough to get dressed. I do just that and leave my room. I was about to get some food in the kitchen until I heard a familiar cracking sound on the deck. Knowing Sparky is practicing I just get some water and head out there. As I step outside I see him yank a whip back, wrap it around his neck and hold the tip with his free hand. Then my eyes begin to... Wonder... To his body... Despite being out of commission for months he's still in damn good shape, which is nice... Wait... Never mind. But that's not what caught my eye. All those scars... The multitude of large slashes on his back. The burns on his sides. And the other burn and slash scars on his chest. The stabs and cut scars on his arms. He also has a sizable impale scar right above his stomach. He said he got that from falling off a cliff. Still... That's the only one that was an accident. The others people gave him throughout his time alone when they either tried to capture or kill him. I don't know how long I was staring at him because I was shaken from my thoughts when a loud boom was heard. I shake my head and see him pointing two fingers up. I guess he disposed of the bolt he was using. I then see him take a few breathes and walk to the side where his shirt is. He pulls out a small flask and takes a swig. He then looks up and sees me. He gains a gentle smile when he realizes I was standing here. He begins to walk over to me. I smile at him in kind.

You: "Good morning Korra. Sleep well?" (M/n) asked me still smiling gently at me. My mind finally kicks back into gear so I can reply.

Korra: "More or less. What about you?" I ask him. He simply nods his head still smiling. He then walks back to where his shirt is a put it on... I feel slightly disappointed... Wait.

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