Chapter Fourteen: A Reunion, A Strange Notion, and A Spiritual Kidnapping

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(Your POV)

I woke up from a rather strange dream... A Blue Humanoid Cloud was talking to me about Vaatu. I knew that vile name. It told me to be prepared to fight him and help the Avatar. But, he's trapped. Unless... The Harmonic Convergence is far more serious than we thought. I'll speak to Korra and Tenzin about this when I get back later today. I get up. I see my clothes neatly folded. I guess they washed them for me. I put on my pants then boots. As I am lacing them I hear a knock on the door. I get up and open it. It's Izumi.

You: "Apologies. I just woke up. Is there something you need?" She just smiles and shakes her head in a no fashion. That's good I suppose.

Izumi: "No. I have your ticket and I'd thought I would warn you that a crowd is waiting to see you off. You're somewhat of a hero. They've taken to calling you. 'The Electrical Conduit.' They love you." I smile and roll my eyes playfully at the name.

You: "Wow... Fitting but kind of childish. I like it." I smile at her. She just smiles in kind.

Izumi: "Unfortunately Iroh will not be there. He had to leave to go back on patrol." I just nod. I figured he'd be gone by the morning.

You: "That's fine. I figured he wouldn't wait around. He doesn't seem like the kind of person who takes breaks." She laughs and nods. We trade goodbyes and I finish dressing myself.

I grab some bread from the Kitchen. Okay more like the chef shoved it on my face. I gladly took it and ate it. He said thank you for everything and I say as I did before that it was the right

thing to do. He smiles brightly and hugs me briefly. I chuckle and say my farewells. As I walk out of the palace I see the same men that were with me and Iroh when we sieged the mountain fortress. They all salute with a hoo rah. I salute back and do the same. As I walk out of the palace the streets are oddly empty... Huh. As I turn the corner that leads me to the docks I am greeted with a large cheer from a crowd. There is where everyone was... Heh. Many of the people pat me on the back and give me thanks. I just smile. It feels weird receiving such praise. As I finally approach the boat I see Zuko and Izumi waiting for me. I walk up to them and they smile at me. I smile back.

Zuko: "We even warned you yet you seem befuddled." Zuko said while laughing a bit. I just rub the back of my neck a bit. It is strange. I'm just used to being ignored. Not that I mind this that much.

Izumi: "Here is the gift you requested for that little girl Olivia. The jeweler sends her regards as well." I smile at the memory. After I saved Izumi the following day I spent time getting to know the city. I walked into a jewelry store and was greeted by the owner. She wanted to thank me and I told her about Olivia and how I've been taking care of her. I asked if she could make a special necklace that would remind her of me. She agreed. I looked in the box at the blue necklace with gold lining. It has a (F/C) bolt of lightning on the top. I just stare at it wide eyed.

You: "I wasn't expecting something this nice... I feel bad for just taking it now." Izumi just waves me off. I smile as I look at it. She'll love this. She'll love this more than anything.

Izumi: "She insisted. She hopes Olivia will love it." I smile and nod. Oh she will.

You: "I know she will. She loves blue." I say still smiling.

Zuko: "You will always be welcome here. Maybe you and the gang can come visit. We would love to meet Olivia." He said smiling ever so slightly at me.

You: "We will when we get the time. I promise." And with that we each hug and I board the ship. I wave everyone off and the crowd cheers once more and says goodbye. I go to a spot on the ship that is out of the way and meditate once more.

The Electrical Conduit. Male Reader x KorraWhere stories live. Discover now