Chapter Six: Future Teacher And Student Bonding

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(Your POV)

It's been about two weeks since I nearly killed that priest, Olivia has taken to calling me her hero. I don't really mind it makes me feel less... I don't know is crazy the word? Asami bought her some clothes and Bolin secured a bed for her. She's been getting along great with everyone. Especially the kids. Anyway since Korra's training has been progressing nicely Tenzin suggested that she get to know me more before I officially become her teacher. So we both agreed to spend the day together talking or whatever friends do. Obviously since I am still new to this she will be taking charge. I have a feeling that even if I knew what I was doing she would take charge anyway. I am currently waiting by the docks for her to come down from the Island. As I am waiting I take stock of what's going on around me. I see several dock workers loading supplies onto different ships to be sent to other cities around the globe. I see several people spending time together with one another staring out at the water or just holding hands as they walk. I wonder for a split second what that must be like. I shake the thought from my head and close my eyes.

You: (In Thought) 'Like that'll ever happen.' I was shaken out of my thoughts when I heard a familiar voice call my name.

Korra: "Hey (M/n)!" She shouted jogging up to me. She's still wearing that same outfit from the day I came here. Strange. Does she not have different clothes... Says the man that has one set of clothes. Heh.

You: "Hey Korra. So what do you have planned?" I asked her smiling. I saw her gain a stupid grin that made me smile in turn.

Korra: "Stuff. Different kinds of stuff." She replied. I'm willing to bet she has nothing planed at all. I chuckle before speaking again.

You: "You didn't make plans did you?" I asked raising my eyebrow on a questioning manner. She chuckled slightly before replying.

Korra: "Nope! Figured we could just walk around and talk. Maybe get some food." I sighed. Asami before we left gave me some money so we could get lunch before we head back. Oddly I noticed Mako's expression. He seemed almost jealous that I got to spend the day with Korra. If that's true than this is going to get... Complicated. I then reply.

You: "Alright. Lead to way." I gestured her to start walking. She smiled and obliged. Not like I would have a choice in the matter anyway.

We spent the next hours talking. Well mainly she talked and I listened. Thanks to my outburst a week ago I don't have much to tell. I stop at a stall that is selling stuffed toys and buy a stuffed Air Bison for Olivia. She doesn't have toys or anything so I think she'd love this. Well Asami did buy her clothes so she has somethings but not anything like this. As we looked around she told me of her family in her water tribe. Of friends she has back there and why she's excited to be the Avatar. I just absorb all this information as she is speaking. I told her about things I had seen. Like the one time I saw this extremely tall statue of a god. She stared at me in awe as I described it. A statue taller than the tallest building in the city built out of marble. It was dedicated to a god now lost to time. The inscription was in a language I didn't understand. It was pure white. It somehow never, ever yellowed in the sun. I offered to take her there one day since I knew where it was. She smiled brightly. At some point we ended up on this street with multiple stalls for buying things. I was looking at some books that this one stall had. They had an interesting book that the woman working the stall told me was about A man trying to tear the wall down between our world and the spirit world. I would've kept looking but I noticed Korra moved to this food stall on the other side of the street. I walked over and she and the owner were talking.

Owner: "You looking to buy, or, are you just curious?" The owner asked. Korra replied. She looks somewhat befuddled. In other words Korra has been eyeing that thing for a while now.

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