Chapter Thirteen: The Personal Siege

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We awoke before dawn and met near the western gate. We began marching. They have given me some light weight black armor to wear over my outfit. It is a light weight material of some kind that will allow me to conduct my electricity through it. I may ask to keep this. If for noting but the usefulness of it. I am marching alongside General Iroh. We have brought about 50 men with us so we don't get spotted right away. I'm going ask him.

You: "What were you going to say before your mother cut you off?" I asked looking at the man. He just smirks a bit. What does he think he knows?

Iroh: "I want you to think for a moment. How much time have you spent with her?" He asked smiling slightly. Allot actually. We are student and teacher after all and good friends.

You: "Over the past few weeks we were training... Most of the days she'd speak to me or hang out with me. She'd even join me to star gaze once in a while. Before we were training however... Less so but she still liked talking to me about the places I have been." I replied. I smile at the thought. Those conversations were some of my favorites. No one before her took interest in these kinds of things. Iroh nods taking in the information.

Iroh: "Okay... How well would you two say you know each other?" He asks. Pretty well I'd like to think. Though I'm not one hundred percent sure. I'm pretty sure I am right however.

You: "Pretty well I'd say. Like I said she helped me open up quite a bit." He smiles a bit more. What is he going at? This should be interesting.

Iroh: "How do you feel about her?" What an odd question. I thought I explained that already. Though I guess I might not have. Hmm.

You: "Well... I love spending time with her, talking with her and what not. I quite like her." I finish with a smile. He just shakes his head sighing heavily in slight befuddlement.

Iroh: "Never mind man. Let's change the subject." And he did just that. Rather quickly to. Strange... I wish I knew what he was wanting me to guess. What does he think he knows that I don't? Doesn't matter I suppose.

We talked about everything just about. He told me about Fire Nation culture and history. I did as well with my clan. He got to a subject that seemed to make him beam with pride yet have a slight... Sadness in his eyes. He's apparently named after Zuko's uncle who was named Iroh. He tells me of how kind of a man he was. How wise and honorable he was and everything he did for Zuko and the Nation. I can see why he's sad and yet prideful. That's a hell of a legacy. I told him of my father. How he trained me and taught me everything I know. How he was a great warrior and something the elders called. 'An Acolyte of Raiden'. I told him that Raiden was the spirit of thunder and lightning our clan revered. He said he has heard of the said spirit. It is an honorable spirit that many here respect greatly. I suppose that makes sense considering some master fire benders can bend lightning. The conversation continued until we needed to set up camp.


We're approaching the location now. The men split into three different groups so we have a lesser chance of being spotted. We agreed that I would send a bolt of lightning in the sky when we are ready to strike. I go with a certain set of men while Iroh goes with another. After sometime we get into position. I look towards the men I'm with and they nod. I smirk and charge a bolt and send it to the sky. The fire benders fly up while the normal soldiers charge from the ground. The fire benders go straight for their watch towers as we discussed. Though I did not think they would just topple them. It works though. Then me and my men encounter our first few assassins. We engage.


(Grandmaster's POV)

I rub the scars on my neck. Strange how even after all this time they are still sore. I then here rock crumble. They have come and it seems they brought a fire bending force. This is my chance to kill that boy. I get up and go to my armory. I will pay this boy back for what he did to me... Maybe I'll save him and kill him in front of the Avatar. As I exit the Armory one of my assassins runs up to me.

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