Chapter Twenty Four: I Am Lightning

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(Your POV)

The rage. That's how it starts... The fever... That'll turn a good man... Cruel and cold... I should know, I've been there after all. I will not lose her... If I have to I will... Kill them all. We have agreed to a plan... Odds are they will be keeping Korra further down in the area we tracked them to. The air benders... Along with Olivia are down there as well. Now here I sit. Waiting to arrive. Holding in my rage, even so my hands still spark once in a while. I haven't said a word, not that anyone has spoken to me. The utter rage in my eyes made sure that happened. I have my eyes closed just concentrating on keeping calm. I then feel the Airship descend. I open my eyes and stand. I exit the room and march straight to the door. Once I enter the main area they all looked at me. I have small sparks emitting from my body due to my rage. My drive has been threatened so my powers are, erratic to say the least. Once it docks I all but throw the door open and march out. Now I wait in this canyon. It's a simple brown color but what's interesting is the rock spires that seem to be coming from the ground. The sky is dark and in the distance I hear wind. Once the others join me they begin talking.

Lin: "Mako, Bolin, Kai, you'll head inside." I look at Lin with a severe glare that makes her stop talking any further. I will not sit by and not help when my family is in grave danger.

You: "I'm going in." I said angrily to her. Lin and Tenzin looked at me with concern, while the others look slightly surprised at my response.

Mako: "(M/n)... I get that you're worried and pissed off but... You fell down a cliff." Mako says a but timidly to me. He's nervous that my rage will boil over. I look at him not changing my expression.

You: "I don't care." I said flatly to him. He looks a bit worried at my statement. Yes, I am in pain but I could give less of a damn.

Bolin: "I have to agree with Mako... You could have-" I cut Bolin off from speaking further.

You: "I don't care!" I said a little louder than before. Bolin winced a bit but he understood why I was mad. "Olivia is in there imprisoned and they intend to kill Korra! I will not sit it out gods dammit! I will fight!" I shouted at them angrily. They all jumped at the sudden outburst I just had. Lin simply nodded knowing I will not back down.

Lin: "Alright but let Mako take the lead since he can light the way." I nodded and gestured for Mako to get his ass moving. He did so quickly as to not anger me further. I looked back at Tenzin and nodded. He nodded in turn knowing I was promising to get his family back.

We then enter the cave. Mako ignites some fire in his fist and we begin going in deeper. It seems the cave is lined with different kinds if crystals. Again not that I give a damn right now. Not long after walking Mako stops and turns to look at me. I give him an annoyed look but he begins speaking.

Mako: "I'm not comfortable with this. You're injured and furious." Mako says sternly though I can tell he's still tiptoeing around the fact I am beyond pissed off at this point. I shake my head at him but he remains steadfast.

You: "I don't care Mako... They have people I care about trapped. I will fight till I drop dead if needed." I said sternly still showing my damned anger. He looks a bit taken aback at this.

Mako: "I know you're worried but this is way different than anything I have seen before. What the hell is going on?" He asked a bit sternly though I could hear the concern in his voice.

You: "Do I really need to explain Mako!? They have Olivia! They have the kids! They have KORRA!!!!! They intend to kill her and possibly the others!! How the hell could I not be this way?!" I shouted at him very angrily that he doesn't feel the same or understand. My voice echoed through the cave slightly but he didn't flinch.

The Electrical Conduit. Male Reader x KorraWhere stories live. Discover now