Chapter Twenty Six: A New Title And A Shy Giant

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(Your POV)

It's been a month since Korra left for her home in the Southern Water Tribe. However, that is not what I need to focus on. Right now I am getting ready for my final interview for Olivia. I am dressed in a nice outfit that Asami help pick out and decent shoes. I much prefer my coat and boots but I have to be presentable. I finish combing my hair and nod to myself in the mirror. I exit the room and head to the main area where Asami is waiting for me. She offered to come along as a witness of sorts which I greatly appreciated. She walks up to me and straightens my jacket slightly.

Asami: "You look quite handsome (M/n)." Asami says smirking at me. I roll my eyes playfully and chuckle at the statement.

You: "You know I hate dressing like this. But thanks... And thanks for coming with me... My hands are even a bit shaky." I say as I show her my hands that are shaking ever so slightly. "I just hope it goes well." I say in a slightly nervous tone looking at her. She smiles at me gently.

Asami: "It will. You'll be a good father. You've shown that already." I smile at that. Its good to hear it from someone... I just hope I do a good job.

We then leave the temple and head towards the city proper. Once we get to the city some of the buildings look abandoned. Probably thanks to the vines that are still around... Or they ran out of fear. We then begin heading to the office I was told to go to today at 2:00 P.M. It takes about fifteen minutes to walk there but when we arrive. I breathe in deeply through my nose and exhale through my mouth to calm my nerves. We then enter the building. The inside of the building's walls is a dark red affair and it has polished wood flooring. I walk up to the front desk and ring the bell. After a minute a man shows up. He's is six foot five inches tall, has black hair with hazel eyes and seems to be barrel chested. Alistair my man. He's nineteen or so he tells me. He's the son of Ms. Smith so he works here at her request. He's apparently a stickler for organization so he's perfect for this job.

Alistair: "My name Is Alistair Smith. What can I do you for?" He asked smiling politely at us. I knew him already but he has to do that for anyone that enters the office. I smile in turn mainly because he's a friend.

You: "I'm the two o'clock for the adoption papers with Ms. Smith for the orphan Olivia." He nods gently and tells me to sign in. I do and he speaks again.

Alistair: "She should be with you shortly. Please sit. Do you want some tea? I just made some." The large man said smiling gently at us. I nod at the suggestion and look towards Asami. The blush on her cheeks and her staring do not go unnoticed by me... Or him. He looks towards her and she looks away slightly. He smiles at her. "Do not worry ma'am. I don't mind. What is your name? If I may ask." He asked smiling warmly at Asami. She looks back and her blush deepens at his expression. Oh I am so telling Bolin and Mako about this.

Asami: "I-I'm Asami Sato... Pleasure." She said extending her hand. What happens next even takes me by surprise. I have known him for the better part of a year and we became friends not long after the process began. He's told me he's shy around people, women especially due to his large stature. But this shy and gentle giant very carefully grabs her hand, bends down slightly, and kisses her knuckles ever so gently... Smooth. Her blush deepens even more at that.

Alistair: "The pleasure is mine... I hope this isn't to forward but do you have any plans for this evening?" He asks as he lets her hand go. She shakes her head no and he smiles a bit wider yet still warmly at her. "I get off at six today so if I may ask. May I escort you to dinner tonight?" He asked ever so calmly... Not bad man. I said shoot for the stars and he did. And look it worked. She goes slightly wide eyed but smiles at him.

Asami: "I-I'd like that... I am staying at the Air Temple." She stuttered out nervously. This is amazing. Like watching someone flip there car five times but come out not injured at all. SO damned rare. She's usually so confident but he's showing her what's up and he's the shyest guy I know.

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