Chapter Seventeen: Two Strange Months Of Recovery

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(Your POV)

It's been two months. About eight weeks. We knew it would take a while to heal but It took longer than expected due to the extent of the injuries but, beyond being stiff from not being able to use my side, I'm completely better. I will not lie though... I may or may not have kept a small stash of that plant under my bed. It calms me down and I don't have the flashbacks when I was eating it. Or the cookies it was in anyway. We have received a few air benders since they left. They've called at least once a week to update us. Korra normally would want to update me personally. Which was nice of her. I've had to... Go to someone a few times over the past two months because of the dreams... Normally that was Kya since she's been acting almost... Motherly to me... I actually really appreciate it. She really reminds me of my mom. Positive, caring, and has a sense of humor. I've grown close to her. Though those days when I had to go to her she never really offered advice. I remember the first night I had to go to her... I didn't have to but Korra would kill me if I didn't...


(Your POV)

I woke sweating, panting and my eyes darting around the room... Another dream... My heart is pounding in my chest. I sit there before I realize there were tears going down my face. I wipe them off and try to calm myself down as I always had. It was working but then I remembered the promise I made to Korra. I begin to think who wouldn't mind if I woke them up... Kya... She's been very caring since they left. She rarly leaves me alone for great periods of time. I get up holding my side and quietly open my door and leave. I can hear Daw snoring. My gods he's loud... I begin to walk towards Kya's room. I am already having second guesses about this. But I trudge on. I get to her room and stand there debating if I should knock or not... I then remeber what Asami said. 'You can't do this alone.' I nod to myself and go to knock only to have the door open with Kya standing there in what I assume is her blue and white Pj's. I look at her frowning.

Kya: "I sensed a disturbance in my sleep... Is everything alright?" She asks tiredly as she wipes the sleepiness from her eyes. I shake my head no and look down. My shoulders start to shake slightly. She looks surprised and puts a hand on my shoulder. "What's wrong (M/n)?" She asks sounding concerned.

You: "I... Korra made me promise something..." She nods and waits for me to continue. "I... Get nightmares about.... That day." I put emphasis on 'that'. She nods knowing what I'm talking about. I informed her not long after that celebration we had when we won. "Korra made me promise... To go to someone if it happened again. And tell them about it... I chose you... Unless you mind." She smiles slightly and and shakes her head no.

Kya: "I don't mind. I'm glad you feel you can trust me with this. Come in and take a seat." I do as she says and she helps me sit on her bed. She rubs my back and speaks. "What... If you don't mind me asking... Is the dream like?" I look at her sadly. I feel my shoulders shake again.

You: "It... Opens on the hill me and my family used to watch the sun rise and set on. But unlike then... It's like a broken mirror...." She nods as I speak. "Some of the sections still have the sunset... But over time...those sections have changed into a dark lightning storm..." She nods. I guess she has figured something out as she begins to speak.

Kya: "A reminder then? One your mind has built subconsciously. Continue if you don't mind." I nod before speaking again... Here comes the hard part.

You: "I... don't control my body... It moves to the village on its own... The same lightning storm from the broken scene is playing over the village. Then... lightning strikes in front of me and I see my clan being destroyed." I now feel the tears creep up again. "I hear my mother's... Scream... Then an audible snap... My father..." She looks at me sadly... "I then follow my younger self and... Hear what those boys said again..." Now am I am crying. This is painful. "Then it all goes black... I-I h-hear the s-screams o-o-of my fellow -c-clan mem-mbers dying... Then I jolt awake..." There I fulfilled my promise... Now someone knows what it's like fully. I need to tell the others at some point. "I can go months... without it happening or I could have an entire week where... I relive it over and over again..." I sit in silence trying not to sob.

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