Chapter Three: The Accidental Hero

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*Right After You Let Asami Go*

(Your POV)

I walked out of the other side of the alley and see some triad carrying what looked like a kid. She looks to be maybe ten if that. She has black hair that has been tied up into two separate buns and is wearing some interesting orange and white robes. I cannot see her eyes however. I've been meaning to give them some hell. So followed behind at a distance. The kid tried to struggle only to get hit in the head. I almost attacked them for it but I waited only because I thought they may have other kids locked up. They eventually entered a warehouse on the docks and shut the doors. The warehouse itself seems quite deserted. There are several holes in it's walls from where the rust has eaten away at the metal. Most of the windows are cracked if they are not just broken. The warehouse itself is a a simple black and gray color but thanks to the rust there are some reddish brown spots in several areas. Especially around the holes. I see a few pipes that have been disconnected from the ground and run up to the roof. I ran to one and used my electricity to slide up a pipe on the side of the building. Once on the roof I looked into the windows and saw the same men from before. They tied the kid to a chair and waited for her to wake up. I began to take stock of who was here. Beyond the two men before there were at least three others I could see. Just as the outside the inside seemed to be in disrepair. There are a few crates and barrels inside still in one piece. Good maybe I can utilize them when I fight these fools. The ground inside is covered in a thick layer of dirt. The rooms I see are in decent shape on the outside though i cannot say the same for the inside. Not that I care that much. That would be easy, however I cannot see into every room so I'll need to be quiet until I know for sure I can eliminate the threat.

You: (In Thought) 'Time to practice my stealth eh?' I think to myself.

I climbed down the building a bit and peeked through a window. The inside of the room is much like the warehouse's interior. A thick layer of dirt and dust covers everything. I see one small man in there. I tapped the window three times and waited for him to open it. As if on que he did and I reached up and grabbed him. Before he could scream I surged electricity through his body knocking him out. I climb into the building. I sneaked up to the door and cracked it. I peered around and saw no one. Before I opened it I took a moment to try and sense the electric pulses in anyone's muscles on my floor. Sensing none I open the door and scan around. I see two other rooms both with at least one person in them. They'll need to go first. I creeped up to the one on the right and peered through the door window. I saw one of the medium sized guys. I preemptively charged some electricity and opened the door. I grabbed his shoulder and knocked him out. I then made my way to the one on the left. One of the big guys were in there. I assume he is an earth bender. I amp up the electric power in my hands. I open the door and grab his throat with my hands. He struggles a bit then goes out like a light. I walk back out to the cat walk. Seeing no more rooms I smirk. I wonder if this will be a challenge.

You: (In Thought) 'This kid's in for a show.'

I charged my (F/C) electricity in my body and jumped down. When I hit the ground a wave of (F/C) electricity went out from my feet. I can hear the kid behind me gasp at my sudden appearance. One guy goes out as soon as the wave hits them. I react quickly bending the electricity to my will and bring it back to me. I turn them into whips and assume my rope dart stance. They rush me. I wrap one bit of the (F/C) electricity around the largest one and slammed him into the wall then the ceiling, and finally into the ground. He's out. The other three stop and look at me shocked. I smile and spin around hitting the fire bender in the gut with the whip. He hits the ground but doesn't go out. So I flick my whip and grab a barrel and lift it up and slam it back down into him. He goes out then. The two water benders send ice spikes at me. I flip and dodge them. Then I warp both whips around each of their throats. I amp up the electricity until they go out. Once I was finished I diminished the electricity sparking around me and got to the kid. The kid I now know is a girl stared at me wide eyed. Not in fear however but in admiration. I untied her and removed the cloth from her mouth she began to speak or more like yell.

The Electrical Conduit. Male Reader x KorraWhere stories live. Discover now