Runaway crush

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Okay so I'm kind of freaking out because Kane never initiates things. By things I mean the four of us hanging out after school, it's either Claire or I. Anyway we were in calculus and he turns to us and is like "do you want to go over this after school?" And he looked directly at me and said you as in singular, I'm probably over thinking it but it makes me happy to think about. But me being me I immediately turn to Claire and was like "are you going?" One because the idea of us actually going alone freaks me out but also he asked right in front of her. But mostly cause I don't want to be alone with him. Okay that's all I have to say. Back to school work.
After Starbucks:
Okay so I get there and the. He gets there and we're talking about how we don't like our calculus teacher and laughing. Then Claire shows up and we talk, the majority of the time he is on his phone and that bugs me a bit. Then Claire is like I'm gonna go home and she is lie I need to do homework and such, he is like "yeahhhh I should go study for physics." Which I get but then he gets up and leaves without another word! Like he usually waits for me and we walk together but noooo not today he gets up and leaves! Not even saying goodbye! What a jerk.... Ughhh I'm so mad! What the hell is his problem! And during our talk he brought up relationships multiple times what!?! we don't discuss our loneliness it's our unspoken rule. Claire just texted me and was wondering the same thing I was, "why he left so suddenly." It was definitely weird, normally he would at least wait for me or stay a little longer since he knew I didn't want to be home. I don't understand.... Sigh.... We were having fun laughing, telling stories. Why did he leave so suddenly? I'm confused and frustrated...
I also lost my mail key..... Crap my mom is going to kill me.... I hate how irresponsible I am... I loose everything daily. If it's not one thing it's another.
I hate that about myself. I can't hold onto anything... This is why my mom doesn't trust me and it's completely understandable.

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