Friday- Sunday

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Okay so on Friday I was in a bad mood still from the nigh before and I avoided my friends and was super quiet during food science. But when I got to lunch with Kane I felt better instantly, hmm weird. We played a dumb game where we had to draw a picture in 30 seconds. It was really fun and I'm surprised I won some because I'm a terrible artist. Kane was the judge and he told us to draw ourself, I purposefully drew slant eyes and his rice farming hat because I knew it'd win. On some drawings I put certain things because I know how to appeal to him. Sometimes it felt like he was giving me wins just because not because I actually had a decent drawing. Just saying....
Saturday and Sunday were hella boring it was raining all weekend and I had nothing to do... I didn't even do homework which is bad because this week is crazy busy! I sent a message in the group chat and only Kane replied. Here's the conversation:
Me: GUYS TURN ON THE NEWS! Apparently our water is contaminated with dihydrogen monoxide
Kane: Elizabeth, don't try it
By they I was laughing and kinda disappointed he don't fall for it or play along. But then.
Kane: Everyone knows dihydrogen monoxide is only used in factories
Kane: There's no way it could be in our water
Me: You say that it there was a spill and now it's raining dihydrogen monoxide! (It was raining and if you don't know dihydrogen monoxide is water)
Me: It's everywhere
Kane: Thank god we're indoors
Me: Don't get too comfortable now they're saying it's already inside us and is killing us slowly 😷😷
Kane: Oh no!!
Me: It's happening my friends the end is upon us.
And that is why I like him, because he jokes around with me when no one else will. We have a couple of cuteish conversations. Here they are:
Me: What are your secrets!?!?
Kane: Nope
Me: Secrets don't make friends Kany
Kane: Maybe later
Me: How much later?
Kane: *shrug emoji thing that I don't have copied*
Me: Is it about me?
Kane: Nope
Me: Erin?
Kane: Nope
Me: Claire?
Kane: Nope
Me: You sure?
Me: Perhaps Sofia (the girl he went to homecoming with, whom I don't like)
Kane: Positive
Kane: And no
Kane: I already said they don't involve a girl
Me: No you didn't
Kane: Oh well that's a thing
Me: Than what is it about?
Kane: Nothing
Me: it's obviously not about nothing
Me: You were so secretive and you blushed 😒
Kane: Well, you'll never know
Me: Kane that's RUDE
New convo!
Me: Are you coming to Starbucks Claire and U need help with calc
Kane: yeah, in a bit. I think my dad wants to upgrade my phone
Kane: Afterwards though, I will gladly come and help
Me: How long is a bit
Kane: Not sure actually
Me: That was so helpful
Kane: I'll be even less helpful if you keep sassing me
Me: Fine fine take your time but not too long cause Claire needs drugs and a nap
Me: Claire is getting angry and wants to leave can you hurry
Me: Are you coming cause if not I'm leaving
Kane: Ok, are you still at Starbucks?
Me: yeah
Kane: yes yes, sorry, I haven't had my phone on me
Kane: I'm heading over
By the way that was the conversation we had right before we hung out at Starbucks, just the two of us. I told y'all about that in an earlier chapter.

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