APES sucks...

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Okay so I'm watching a video in class and I'm bored as hell. This past weekend I was a mess. I was passed at my mom, I was hella stressed about college and yeah. It's better now, not quite as stressed. But Kane is confusing as always. 🙄 We have such a fun time together, at least I do. We're always joining around and lately he's been showing me his interests and things you'd tell a person you wanted to get to know better. Like he was all excited about music and played me songs he likes to play on the trumpet. It was cute. But of course I have no idea how I feel because today Zach was teasing me and was like "I like teasing you, it's fun". It made me feel all tingly when he said that. he likes to get a reaction out of me apparently, I also found out that he is going to prom.... so that's interesting... idk how I feel about that.
Got my nails painted black for prom, they look nice, um tonight is my Summa Cum Lade reception so I have to honor my math teacher from last year. I was trying to figure out some kind of gift to get him but I couldn't think of anything.... I don't know him THAT well, he was just a great teacher. Like a couple of my teachers I could totally get gifts for them, but not it's one... which sucks because he wrote me a recommendation letter and is my summa teacher.... honestly no gift could be enough to show him how appreciative I am of him. He helped me without knowing through some really hard times, I also had a ton of fun in his class despite not having friends in that class. He has taught me so many lessons that I'll always use. He is by far one of the best teachers I've ever had.
Prom is this Saturday and I can't wait honestly, I'm super excited to wear my pretty dress and do my makeup and hair. I also want to have fun at the actual dance, I hate school dances but I feel like this one is actually going to be  fun.

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