Potter Puppet Pals

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I don't feel like going to the book club meeting today... I couldn't get into the book and Rachel is going to be there and I don't feel like sitting there awkwardly..... I had English homework yesterday but I didn't do it, technically it's due today after school, so I have time. Probably going to end up doing it in food science since were having another work day because my teacher isn't here and we can't cook without her.
I hate my makeup today I look and feel ugly af.... Sometime this week I'm just not going to wear makeup.
So I didn't write much throughout the day... Can't really remember what all happened. During lunch we wrote letters to first graders as elves and that was fun. During calculus wKane and I were trying to figure out how Erin should wear her scarf, I found out Jack was moving into my calculus class which will be great because I love that guy. Umm I ended up passing my APES test! Yay! But I failed miserably on the FRQ.... After I was talking to my friends in my APES class, Brianna, Julia and Taylor. Taylor was like wait Julia you have a boyfriend!?! And I like mumbled that I've been trying to get one and Taylor asks me if I like anyone and I rolled my eyes and nodded. She was like who!?? And I told her Kane, she is also in my calc class but we don't talk much in there. She was like "omg! I thought you did! You two flirt all the time!" It was refreshing to know that it wasn't just me who thinks he flirts with me. We banter a lot and bicker but all in good humor. I've been wanting to ask her if she thinks he likes me back or if we'd be a good couple but I don't enact to be random about it... Maybe now I could. She is like an outside source which would be nice to have an opinion that is outside our group. But yeah the three are cool, we are always in groups for APES and talking about how much we hate the class. Taylor is a junior and so is Brianna, they're the only two decent juniors in that class. Julia is a senior too and I've known of her but I never talked to her until this year, she isn't what I excepted at all. She is super nice, I don't em at to sound awful but I always thought she was like one of those "bad" or "rebellious" kids, only because of the people she hangs out with, and I know they armed the best but she isn't like them. Brianna is the one I started talking to first because we moved into the class at the same time and sat at the lab tables for the first few weeks, then Julia was put into a group with us so we started talking then for a project Taylor was near us and we all started talking so yeah that's how we became friends. APES is slightly less boring with them. I've been thinking about dropping it but I also don't want to because I don't have another class with Brianna or Julia so I might know but we'll see....
I finally decorated my Grandpa's door! It looks so good! I did Santa's workshop door and a mini red door that is for the elves who can't reach the other door knob, lol. I added snow to the bottom and ornaments to the top. It turned out better than I thought. I did a little "about the artist" blurb that u thought was just funny and it said things like how I came up with the idea and my inspiration and all that. it was corny but I love it.
We started talking about the "party" / "holiday bash" Kane is having and Erin asked him who was going. That reminded me that u was going to ask the same thing just to make sure I was okay with everyone going because I don't like crowds and he was like "just go." And I'm like "but people" and he was like "then tell me the people you don't like" and I'm like "it would I be easier to tell you the people I do like." It ended there because I'm just going to go cause whatever. Oh and his friend Alex that I almost met at the talent show is going so maybe I'll actually meet him this time! Oh and Erin started singing "Potter Puppet Pals" and she was like what is that even from!? I was so shocked how do you not knew what video that is!? So Kane and I start singing it and quoting other episodes, after calculus he continues to follow me just to finish his quote even though he goes in the opposite direction, it was so dumb. He said it so intensely. Then we texted different quotes. Ugh he is adorable and I can't handle it!!!!

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