Courtney's party

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So I woke up like usual, had a plan to clean the house, wrap presents and take a long relaxing bath. However plans changed because last night Courtney invited me to her party. My mom also reminded me that it's Thursday and I needed to go volunteer at G-Pa's place. So yeah my time was cut very short. It was 11:30 and I had no time to do everything I had planned. Instead of getting started I went to get lunch, lol. So I started around 12:20. I finished wrapping presents around 2:30 and was already late. I needed to take my shower at 2 to get to GP's on time. So I was 25 minutes late to that..... I served food and such then had to do my make up there for Courtney's party. I also changed because I was wearing a blue button up shirt but I felt like I looked too much as if I was trying to get Kane's attention because Wednesday he talked about how much he liked girls in button ups and blue is his favorite color. I wasn't doing it on purpose I swear I had two semi-wintery outfits and ended up wearing a cream long sleeve and a brownish cardigan. So I got there first and people were sitting in there cars I guess waiting for someone to go in first (me). People I didn't know started coming in so I felt super out of place, then Kane showed up and we stood beside each other until Claire showed up so I ditched him. We sat in her car for a bit talking and people kept pulling up. There were so many people! It was crazy I was like "how is she this sociable!?" Like dang. We finally went inside and sat in her kitchen because we're anti-social. People came in and out of the kitchen for food as we talked. Eventually Kane came in and we started talking there were some awkward silences and Claire was like "if you want to leave you can were extremely boring." He was like "no no, I don't want y'all to be sitting here alone." (He's is so nice! Curse him!!!!!) then we got called out by Courtney and had to join the party because there was an announcement being made. I read on the invitation that there was going to be caroling and color decoration (honestly thought it was a joke....) anyway so we ended up going caroling! I can't sing for the life of me so at first I just stood there for two reasons. 1.) in agnostic and don't believe in God because I need proof. And 2.) because I can't sing! After a bit I started getting more comfortable and started having more fun. Kane walked with Claire and I which was surprising because he had friends he knows way better there, like Anna and Zack. But he hung out with us more.... We joked around a bit and I came up with the lost clever name for our caroling group using Courtney's first and last name. It like popped into my head and I said it. Everyone loves it! By the way there were about 25 people there.... It was a huge caroling group. Courtney is an amazing singer and at one house we all stopped so they could hear her and she did amazing singing O' Holy Night. After caroling we went back to her house and talked with more people. This guy Jon, this girls Tia (I know her from school), Kane and Claire and I. Jon is super chill he is in college. We sat in a circle. At first Kane was the only one on the floor but eventually we all sat there. I made a hoop out of glow sticks and started throwing it to land around his neck. I scored several times which was fun. Kane laid down and I started  throwing stuff at him because why not. Earlier while caroling I saw his guy I had met at Courtney's last party, Andrew, he's cute and has a great singing voice too, he is like one of Courtney's best friends. They sang together at the talent show, however he doesn't go to our school. We talked a bit. So I mentioned that because I went into the kitchen where a group of them were talking. This one guy that I can't remember his name and his other guy also can't remember his name were like "you have to sign in." They handed me a sharpie and a napkin then was like "write your name, then write it with you other hand, draw a pig holding bacon and a sword a dinosaur with wings and a newt." I had nothing better to do so I started drawing each thing. Andrew came up to me and was like "you're actually drawing each thing and I was like hell yeah I am." I got another cookie and iced it then went back out to where Zack was sitting in my spot so I had to sit between Kane and Claire. Kane and i's knees were touching I was also leaning on Claire. The big group of is talked and had fun I started throwing the hoop from earlier around random people each giving them a value of points. Zach was 10, the guy from the kitchen was 20 and Anna was 30. I got a total of fifty points after too many tries because I kept going too much to the left. I also threw a bell into Kane's frocket. That was awesome, it was from a pretty good distance too. Zack brought up this short film that I watched freshman year in debate Kun-fury and I flipped my shit. That movie is so dumb but I love it so much. Apparently Kane had never seen it!? How is that possible actually Zack and I were the only two to have seen it! I asked Zack, because I wasn't sure what the name of the guy with the type writer was and he said hacker man but I think it was something dumb like hacker guy not even hacker man. Lol. Courtney showed us this video she made for the school musical and then Claire and I decided to leave. I took Tia home then went home and crashed.

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