Mad and in like

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So I woke up at 6:44 and haven't been able to go back to sleep.... It's currently 7:22 and of course my mine is being plagued with thoughts of Kane. So today if they don't decide to come over I'm going to go Christmas shopping, I know sort of last minute... Anyway GP wants a bright red tie and bow tie, I'm not exactly sure how long ties are supposed to be and I'm not going to look it up, specifically because I'm going to ask Kane. I know he'll know. Plus I want to tell him again, so I've been running through scenarios over and over. I feel like just pointing out the date of my last text and being like "October 24th" then leave it at that and let him figure it out. But I also kind of want to come up with a new thing. Ask him how long a tie should be a blurt out that I still like him. "Hey, so how long should a tie be? Oh and I still like you." Only problem with that is if have to check my phone for the answer to my question so I'd have to see his response to me liking him... Still.... So maybe I'll be like "hey." Then he'll be like "hey." And I'll respond "I have a question" and he'll say "shoot" and I'll ask "how long should a tie be? To the waist line of your pants correct?" And he'll answer "it should be to blank" or "yes to the waist band" and I'll be like "thanks oh and I like you, bye." Then I throw my phone into the abyss, I'll have to find an abyss but I'll throw my phone into it once I do. Damn you Kane for making me feel!!! Damn youuuuuu. Oh gosh I just remembered if he thinks about it, he'll realize why I was shaking the other night! Because he makes me nervous!
They may or may not be coming over.... I'm not exactly sure. I know Kane has a Christmas party later but that's it. They're supposed to come around 1 but they're all unreliable when it comes to being on time.
So Claire and Erin came around 1:30 I immediately got started on Claire's make-up. We stalked and had fun and I worked on beautifying her. I ended up curling her hair and straightening Erin's. It was fun, we talked about going to the mall but it was packed so we stayed at my house and talked. I was texting Kane as we hung out keeping him updated and such. Claire started talking about how he is such a flake and I agreed. I started ranting and ended up texting Kane how I felt, not how I liked him but how much we all disliked his unreliableness. Here is how the conversation went:
Me: Here's the thing we started out friends. It was cool but it was all pretend, since you've been for we've been doing things without you and if you keep saying no we will we will stop asking youuuu youuuuohuuu
#musicallyinclined  (we were singing Since You've Been gone at first then it turned into us ranting lo. (Claire was like he is going to read the first part and think of something totally different because it's you, truth))
Me: they put me up to it
Kane: is that a song?
Me: sort of but we tweaked it a bit and meant every word
Me: except the pretend part
Me: it's not personal but it's hard to be friends when you don't hang out with us it's hard to keep the friend ship afloat
Kane: I know I know, I'm sorry for that
Me: you always say you're coming but then you don't and don't warn us
Kane: I could have sworn that I said I couldn't go
Me: nope you said you could buy you'd have to leave early because of the party
Kane: oh, whoops
Me: yeah whoops 😒
Kane: I'm sorry I'm a tad forgetful at times
Me: a tad is an understatement, the four of us haven't hung out for a while just saying but you go have fun at your party (not in a sarcastic tone)
Then we ended up calling him. I called him twice and he ignored us twice I thought he probably hates me for being so annoying about him being a flake. Finally he called us back, we were all talking at one and laughing a bunch on the phone for some reason we were all extremely happy. I sounded so salty in my texts and kind of like the jealous girlfriend.... Oh well I apologized for sounding so salty. While we were talking I quoted White Chicks and was like "I'm so freakin' pissed" like in the movie and he was like "I like how you say freaking all the time and put a real emphasis on it." Internally I was like "ahhhhhh" he had to go so we hung up and we girls went to Chipotle. We ate then went to a store to try on dresses. On my drive there I was ranting about how freaking annoying he is! I went back and forth on how much I hate him but also how much I like him. It was the worst. I hate that he is such an unreliable flake but I also love how sweet and considerate he is.  Ughh it makes my head spin! After we got back to my house Erin fell asleep and Claire and I talked about how I'm considering asking him on an actual date, however she was like you have to do it in person and I was like ummmm no.... I told her how I always re-read out texts and think about him nearly 24/7 she was like "wow you must really like him" I grunted in response. He is just Ughh so annoying! I told her how sometimes I think he likes her and she was like "yeah sometimes I get that vibe" and it sucks cause he probably does.... Claire is great she is funny and pretty and so laid back. We're pretty opposite but we work. Her and Kane are a lot alike they even kind of look like they could be siblings. We've pointed that out numerous times. They left about 11:30 last night.

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