Move in day

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So as of now I have about 20 days until I move into my dorm. I'm excited beyond belief. I have everything I need, I think so I'm done shopping. All I need now is hangers and bathroom stuff. My dorm is an anointed suite style so I'm going to shop for bathroom things with my suite mates. The four of us will pick everything out. I've talked to all my suite mates and they all seem cool. My favorite so far is my suite mate Kas. I wish move in day came sooner, but I'm also thankful it's so far away. I want to soak up as much time with my family as possible, but family I mean my mom and dog. My bro will be with me at college! So exciting. I've downsized a lot. I'm used to stuff because I'm a spoiled brat, lol not really, maybe, a little. But anyway. My dorm is slightly bigger than my room now so I have to filter what I'm bringing. I think I've done a good job at figuring out what I actually need/use. I've been organizing some trouble areas in my house so my mom can be in order before I leave. This whole month with just be dedicated to making sure my mom will be able to function without me😂. She has back trouble so I'm trying to make sure all things that she uses a lot with be accessible. I've been on the fence about bringing my car to school, but now I know I want it. My mom is still set on not taking it for a few months which is what we originally decided..... that stinks because I want to visit Claire early on like a week or two into school so we can see each other's dorms. I also want to come home to switch out seasonal clothes and such. Which I feel like will be early on in the year. In general I want to come home fairly frequently, not too much but enough. I wouldn't park my car near my dorm because it's more expensive and I don't think I'll use it THAT much but I still want to be able to have it, idk though. Maybe my mom or bro will drive me two and a half hours to see Claire 😂. Anyway that's just an update but yeah.
So I've got 14 days until I move in. I'm just going to mark this book as completed. When I start college I may want to document my college experience as well so we'll see.

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