New semester/ new year

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It's 2017!!!! Yay!!! So exciting stuff. Life update Rachel and I are talking again, less awkward and she isn't mad anymore. I'm taking PE instead of government and I no longer like Kane! Yippie skippie!! Also I'm getting my braces off in a few weeks!!! I'm so excited. I went back to school yesterday, yes on a Thursday 🙄. It was kind of nice because we got to ease back into school. Anyway today I realized I have so many good memories from high school despite being anti social most of the time and not having many friends, also I've always despised high school. However I realized I have a lot of good memories that I can't wait to share with my kids when I'm older. A lot of them are pretty funny. Although I've pretty much hated high school and couldn't wait to get out of it since day one, I don't regret attending it. I've made friends that won't last forever but I have memories that will, its super cheesy but it's the truth. I can say that in the future I will have good times that I can look back on and reminisce fondly. This year especially, I've don't some fun thugs with friends that I'll treasure for the rest of my life I can guarantee it. My head is flooded with negative thoughts but luckily I am still able to find moments in my life that I was truly happy and that I can smile about. Life isn't perfect, but there are some moments where it gets pretty close. Cherish the time while you're young because they fly by in the blink of an eye. Have fun and live a little don't make all of your high school years about becoming valedictorian, have fun and break some rules (NOT LAWS!!) be a teenager while you can because soon enough you won't have the opportunity. 

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