Lucid dreaming

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Holy shit I had such a realistic dream and what I wanted to happen happened and agghhhh. Okay so my dream was kind of all over the place. I was in a really pretty area. There was a lake nearby and I think I was in Washington DC that's what I said in my dream anyway and my brother was there and yeah we were visiting my aunt. Then I ended up in my other aunt's house who lives like 5 minutes away from me and I ate with them. I was watching videos from my Washington trip and looking at a bunch of cute clothes. Then it switches to me trying to impress some guy? I think anyway. My APES teacher was in my dream and I was competing I think, but of course I was the last one to finish. They put us on a leader board and apparently I was higher on the board than I initially thought. Then it switches to Claire and I texting. I drive to McDonald's to meet her and we eat and she tells me Kane likes me. Apparently he was avoiding me bad that's the reason. We end up in a cafeteria store room and Kane is across from me and Erin is on my other side. We start quoting that short livid Disney show So Random and laugh our asses off. Kane looks like he did in 6th grade but he is still himself. He looked so dorky in 6th grade, I used to think he was super weird. I told him that and his reply was, because I was, actually I still am. It's true but now that I know him I can actually say that. I can't really talk since I was super ugly in middle school too. We both went through that extreme awkward phase. Then there is Erin and Claire that look the exact same! We always end up looking at yearbooks for some reason whenever they come over. It's funny because we didn't know each other back then and we had freshman bio all together and still didn't know each other. Now fast forward to senior year and were all good friends. And I happen to have a huge crush on Kane but that's beside the point. Any time when my mom was in my dream she was nagging in some way shape or form, love her but yeah lots of nagging.
Went dress shopping with Nat! I found this gorgeous navy blue two piece, it was a floor length which I normally don't go for since I'm short but I tried it and I really liked it. I didn't get much except a plain black skater skirt which i was lacking before. I cleaned my room and bathroom and decided I'm going to cut my hair. My mom is a hairdresser which is nice since I'm mildly obsessed with cutting and dying my hair. I'm thinking about getting it cut to an inch below my chin, the shortest I've ever cut it and the idea is invigorating. Ever since eight grade when I cut my hair the shortest it's been since I was like four I keep cutting it shorter and shorter. I used to only wear it long but now I love cutting it. Last time I cut it was about two months ago and now I'm bored so I'm going to change it up a bit. Back to the dress I found, I sent a pic of it in the calculus grext and Erin was like "awe I wanted to try on dresses" and Kane replied "same!". He is an idiot, but a cute idiot and I'd love to see him wear a dress, if I asked him to he probably would. Lol. You know the saying about how the heart grows fonder with distance and such, well that's definitely the case. I kind of really hate not seeing him everyday like I'm used to, or nearly everyday. Its odd not seeing him, I'm used to us sharing inside jokes about our favorite teacher and bickering about nonsense. I've been trying to sit down and finish my college essay but I can't think of the right words. I'm not sure exactly what I want to talk about, I feel like every idea is unorganized and doesn't flow correctly. Ughhh. The college application process sucks. The deadlines used to seem for far away now they're right around the corner and that is terrifying. Treasure your time as a freshman, sophomore and junior because those years of your life are so fleeting. If you're not yet in high school hold onto those years too because honestly it sucks, you don't want to grow up its not all it's cracked up to be. Update Kane just told me to get a pixie cut, he's hilarious! I'd look awful in a pixie cut, I wish I could pull off a pixie cut cause they're so cute on some people but not me unfortunately. Now he has suggested a bowl cut.... No words. No one looks good in a bowl cut!

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