Pretty boring day

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So I woke up around 5 for no reason, I just couldn't sleep, I just thought of a good idea. It could potentially be a funny small prank if you will. Anyway so I once read something that said a reason you can't sleep could be because you are awake in someone else's dream so to see how Kane reapodsn da I'm going to bring it up and tell him that to see his reaction. Now that I've said it out loud it seems dumb... But I shall do it anyway.
I didn't do it.... We didn't talk much today.... During lunch I worked on my English project and I did my calculus review. We had planned to go to Starbucks today but he didn't show up. I feel like I might have been too stand off ish today. I didn't acknowledge him that much because I've been busy today. I felt bad but I mean I was busy he can't blame me for that. Today he seems liked he wanted to like be near me... Idk he lingered a bit seemed lurk he was waiting for me then did the little gun and click thing to me when we parted was before 5th. Idk lately he seems more interested in me I feel like. He keeps te conversations going when they would normally trail off and he sits by me whenever there is a chance idk.... Probably reading into all the wrong signs but oh well.

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