College and shit

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I have no idea what I'm doing anymore. I don't know how to college or adult..... I don't know what I need to do or how to do it. I want to take off a semester or something because I don't feel ready. I want to get away from home but I also don't. Im not ready I have no freaking clue what I'm doing. I haven't done what I know I need to do. I haven't applied for scholarships. I know I'm super late in deciding and everything but I just didn't know. I still don't know. It's so overwhelming with school too and trying to keep up my grades and do things for college and have friends. I just can't. I know suicide is the "easy" way out but that's exactly why I'd do it. Because I'm a coward that can't handle shit. I don't want to and I can't.

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