Senior activity day

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So I walked into second period and Zane visibly checks me out. It made me so happy! He liked me up and down. I mean I am wearing fairly short shorts but still! He doesn't find me repulsive! That's a plus! Also he talked to me a lot more today. We had several small conversations. He laughed at somethings I said. It was nice. Now if only my dream comes true. So I had a dream last night where he saw me at activity day and saw me having fun and everything than the next day he asked me out after I joked about him being jealous of Kane, cause we were like joking around and flirting a bit. He paused then said yes after a while and asked me out for the following day. That would be so great it that actually happened. He was late to first period and I was hoping he'd be there later so my dream had a chance of coming true. I was trying to summon him with my mind and the next second he shows up! Such a relief, then he checks me out! Honestly that made my day. He looked at me up and down, he didn't really make a facial expression, but he always has a blank face..... Idk maybe I'm day dreaming but man I hope he did. If he actually asked me out I'd probably flip.
Senior activity day wasn't great but it was better than taking my calc quiz. I climbed the rock wall. At first I kept slipping and my friends were giving me shit but I ended up winning the race!! Yay! That's the only fun activity I did. The lines were hella long and no one wanted to do anything with me! :-(
Zane just watched people play games and stuff. There was supposed to be a video game bus but I didn't see it. Ugh I want him! 😂 he's so cute and I know, I know he has to have a soft side to him! He had the cutest brightest smile after seeing a picture of a dog! It was the cutest thing. I know he likes dogs too, he has four like me.
Okay back to Zane. So. Today he told us, Victoria and I and some others that he has had his eyebrows waxed before. It was so funny because he administered that his mom signed him up for a facial. So he isn't afraid to like idk not be "manly" which is nice and he dislikes organized religion. He's pretty deep. He's smarter than I thought. I like him. Maybe not as much as I had liked Kane but I like him.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Still feel like going to his job and getting food, only problem the food sucks.... I could however walk along the side walk because it's a strip but then I wouldn't actually know if he saw me.... ughhh and Claire can't eat there and Erin probably won't like it either.... I want some excuse to see him. Or talk to him. Something! Ugh crushes! At lunch I was like "I need to tell y'all something!"  Claire and Erin weren't listening so I waited. Kane was like "is it about a boy? Zach?" So we decided to enact a daily Zach update. It had its own theme music lol. He has definitely talked to me more since the beginning of the year. Yesterday he explained some slang terms I didn't know to me. I was like "I don't understand half the things you say." He was like "what?!?" Earlier he said "she's a dime" and I asked what that means was like "how much is a dime worth?" And I'm like "ohhh ten got it as in 10 out of ten." He explained another but I can't remember.
I've learned kind of a lot about him. He is a health freak, he has four dogs, I know the general location of his house, where he works, teachers hate him, we watch a few of the same shows, he likes dirty humor, he played basketball, he wants to become an electric engineer, he dislikes organized religion, and likes rap music. Im standing outside a classroom right now and one of his friends that used to be a childhood friend of mine walked by. Awkkkk. I haven't talked to him in years! I used to have the biggest crush on him, anyway back to Zane. I like him, no secret there, however I'm worried that he is a completely fuckboy. He most likely is, wouldn't be a shock. Why would he ever like me also!?! Like what??!? Not possible. I should give it up cause honestly no chance in hell. But oh well the heart wants what the heart wants ¯\_(ツ)_/¯....
I keep adding to this! Ugh! Anyway I forgot a tad about my dream. In my dream he challenged me to the bouncy house obstacle course, of course I accepted, while we were racing he pulls me down right before I'm about to win and kisses me! Like omgggg. It was a really sweet kiss. Like really sweet. He held onto my face as I stood on my tiptoes cause he is like a foot and then some taller than me. He's 6' 4, hella tall. Towering over my mere 5'.... I don't mind, the other day I did comment on it. I was like "scrape the bowl, he was like "I can't! You're holding it too low." And I was like "you're fault for being so damn tall." Banter is so cute and we tease each other a lot. Him usually blaming me for how something turned out or me blaming him for something going wrong. It's fun. I get a kick out of it. A while ago his Snapchat came up because I have his number and good golly I want to add him so bad! But that would be so weird! Let's be real. Me just randomly adding him out of the blue. Would he accept or decline? The thought is scary. I don't want to know the answer. But I also always stare at his name when I'm bored, hoping I'd get the guts to add him. I don't even know if he saved my number, probably not but I don't know. He did reply to my message but that doesn't mean he knew it was me. Ugh crushes suck so much! I keep coming back to this because I can't stop thinking about him. Okay I'm done homework time.

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