Change of plans

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It's Sunday and I have finals the next three days, I'm going to do my government review and study for my APES test. I'm going to try not to think about you know who... Even though I finished yesterday's entry two minutes ago which is basically all about him....
I really want to ask him out... But there are multiple problems with that.... Let me list them.
1. He has rejected me before.
2. He could like Claire, or anyone beside me.....
3. He could say yes but only he because he is a nice person not because he actually likes me, I don't want a pity date. He had told me he has done that before...
4. I'm shy and don't want to do it I person.
The other day he said this thing that is both true and sad. We were playing our drawing game and he told us to draw an eye. So Claire drew an eye and he was like "it looks like Elizabeth's, except for the gleam, she lost that a long time ago." And I replied "truth" like damn that's deep.... But also that he like pointed it out is kind of sweet. Idk... Maybe I'm super twisted....
Okay so craziest thing just happened, I got accepted into my second choice college.... I went to check the mail and it was windy and freezing but totally worth it! It's not the application I messed up on ( 😭 that was my first choice) but yeah and the application was easy af, all it was bio information no extra curricular information or essays....
When your crush/friend doesn't congratulate you on getting accepted into college 😒 Jerk. Anywho! My bro kept texting me about how proud he was and all and asking me questions about my plan. He is so cute. I love my big bro.
So plans changed.... Instead of doing homework and studying for my finals I went to see my baby cousins that I absolutely adore! The same ones from last weekend. Caitlyn and Ellie (2 &5) they're the sweetest cutest most adorable kids. In two weeks in going to see them again! Yay! I played with them at my uncle Bill's house, their grandpa. We had fun, or ark east I did. Caitlyn is so sweet! She is 2 and has the smallest voice that makes my heart melt. The first word I heard her say was hi and OMG I almost cried it was so dang cute. She just kept repeating hi after she learned to talk.
So got home realized I still had to make chicken for food science tomorrow.... I'm tired so my mom offered to do it for me. As I was heading to bed I checked my phone one last time like every teenager would do and I saw a text from Kane answering my question from yesterday. It was almost a 24 hour delayed response I sent it yesterday at 9:23 and he answered today at 9:17. Wow..,,
Me: Can we still have the secret Santa exchange at your house?
Kane: If you want
Me: wow that was almost a perfect 24 hours later
Kane: ooh, true
Now I shalt not respond because I'm going to bed and want to leave him hanging. What's funny is that he still hasn't congratulated me, not that I got into the greatest school but I hyped him up so much when he got his first/only one. And also were friends like come on dude..... None of my friends have which kinda sucks.... Real nice friends aren't they 😒 jk I love them, most of the time....

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