Still on my mind

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Of course the first thing I think of when I wake up is that jerk! I'm still really confused as to why he was in such a rush to get out of there... At lunch I was talking to Claire about the rally attractive Pizza Hut guy and told her how my mom texted me, "FLIRT!!!!! NOW!!!!" I was like I'm not bold enough and laughed and he mumbled "I bet you could." It was so random since I was really talking to him and actually wasn't planning on talking about it around him I just wanted to tell her. Feelings suck why do we have them? I'm so used to being a cold hearted b***ch what's happening!?!
It's currently 5:10 am and I've been up for fourth minutes looking for my mail key with no luck.... I just need to tell my mom. She is going to be so pissed. Why can't u hold onto things, I loose everything that comes into my possession. My mom woke up to help me with my food science thing and i felt so bad not telling her about the key.... I'm going to tell her as I'm leaving.
Told her.... She wasn't happy but she told me not to worry and we'll find it later, haven't told her I think I lost it Friday when I went out with friends..... It's probably in the parking lot of the theater or at Starbucks....

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