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Man lately nostalgia has been hitting me so hard. I miss my childhood, it's practically over. Next year I'll be a college freshman.... I want to cry. It's so sad thinking back. There are so many things I wish I had done and so many memories I'll miss. Never thought I'd miss high school but now that it's coming to an end I'm going to miss it a lot. It wasn't the best but it was pretty good. Thank goodness I have memories, that's all I can say. It's really sad to think about. I'm excited but anxiety is getting the best of me and I'm worrying about everything as usual.  In less than a month I'm graduating and moving on from high school. All the people that I know will be poof, gone. I'm starting over essentially. The people I hate now won't matter, the people I love I'll barely talk to. I want to stay in touch more than anything but it's unlikely after this summer. We're all going different directions. I hope we stay in touch. This year had been the best yet and I don't want to forget the people who made it amazing. I'm sad. Hella sad. College is around the corner.... I'm scared. Childhood please come back. I miss the days of recess and Hannah Montana.

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