Spring Break!

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So tomorrow is officially the first day of spring break! Yay!! So I added Zane like I said and today I heard his friend point out that he had a lot of snaps and he said he wasn't going to open them. So I'm assuming that he always has the yellow box around the ghost and that he doesn't ever check it. Hoping he does soon. Today I presented my English project and almost immediately he tried to make conversation about it. It wasn't like positive he just said that he couldn't understand my partner, I couldn't either honestly and I was standing beside her.... but he tried to talk to me! So that's nice. We had to make pickles in food science and today it was just the two of us so we had to work together. Which we did fairly well actually. We bantered a bit and teased each other. He was helpful when I asked him for help and he always looked at me as if asking if I needed help which was sweet. We bickered a bit but I like banter it's a necessity in any relationship I think. He's so cute. I really like him.
Now for Kane talk 🙄. So in calculus today he was like "red, white and blue" noticing what I was wearing. He's color blind so I was wondering how he knew. I know he can see blue but what about my red shirt? I asked and he was like "well it is either green or red and you don't wear green so I guessed red." It's burgundy but I'll give it to him. He sees red and green as the same so yeah. Anyway the fact that he knows I don't wear green and is color blind is odd... he pays that much attention to what I wear.... as in he pays that much attention to me. Like wtf. I mean I wear army green but he sees that as kaki it's a different kind of green. So he knows I don't wear like bright green. Also he brought up Hamilton today which he knows I'm obsessed with! Like ugh what the hell Kane! Also during calc we were looking through a blast I took of Erin and he pointed out that it looked like she was shaking her head. I tried to take his phone to do something funny but he didn't let me. Then he did exactly what I was going to do! We high fives after I died because we had the same idea. Claire and him maybe the same person personality wise it we are so similar. I've always noticed that we have similar thought processes and ideas along with a ton of similar interests and things like that. During lunch under the table he shifted to face me more and his leg stayed touching mine. Ugh I just have major boy issues! On top of that it's probably all in my head and neither of them are even slightly interested in me like that. 😩 whatever I don't need no man, I'm an independent woman. (That quite possibly needs companionship, with anyone.)

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