I have a reader!!!

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We get to make noodles again in food science!!! Yay! I'm excited. After school I'm studying at Starbucks for calculus and Erin can't go, Kane said he would and Claire said she might. Honestly hoping she doesn't end up going, she doesn't like doing math in public places and says the study sessions don't help her but they help the rest of us. So yeah... It might end up just being Kane and I which I wouldn't be opposed to. I have my calculus test tomorrow so that should be fun.
OMFG I can't believe that someone other than me has read this story!!! There are 25 views and most of them are me!! Omg and they voted and commented on my story, shoutout to you!!! Honestly I didn't expect anyone to read it.... Now I feel like I should actually put time and effort into this. So I am assuming readers think this is just another story on Wattpad, but in reality this is my life. I changed names and places but everything I write down happens. The first part talks about how "Elizabeth" doesn't want to burden her friends with her problems, but really it's just me. I don't want to feel like a burden so I started writing this story a month ago after I couldn't sleep. I don't edit or re-read before publishing, I do it all in my phone in between classes and before I go to bed. This is a spur of the moment thing that helps me vent about anything and everything. I never thought someone would actually click on this story.... But yeah man this is crazy and I do hope my views grow because it's exciting af! I've never aspired to be a writer or anything I just needed an outlet. Thank you all (whoever is reading this) from the bottom of my heart. This story also contains a lot of IM and slang cause well yeah I'm not going to have proper grammar in a story I write whenever I have the chance, that's why it's all over the place and unorganized.
Noticed that Zane, the guy from food science that is also in my English class, for once isn't one his phone! I'm so proud cause he is so negative and like hates everything (books, musicals, school, ect....) anyway he apparently likes the movie we're watching (Renaissance man with Danny DeVito). It is good. I really like it, its funny and serious, my favorite combination.
So I'm trying to go back and edit my story but it's so tedious and kinda boring TBH....
So food science was fun! Our kitchen had a broken roller so we had to hand crank it and Zane and I worked on rolling while Victoria and the other girl in our group. (I'm pretty sure I've talked about her but I can't remember the name I gave her.... Awk) her name is now Kate. Anyway I kept making low key dirty jokes and Zane is the only one that got them! We were joking around while making the noodles. The kitchen across from us who were friends with Zane commented on how I was doing the cranking and he wasn't. He was like " she wanted to so I'm going to let her." And I was just like "fuck gender roles I'm going to do the "manual labor" if I feel like it! Sexist much." we girls ended up talking about make up and he butts in and sounds like Kane... He said "oh yeah I don't wear makeup everyday either." Such a Kane thing to say. ((Okay so off the record I just realized I gave them names that rhyme... I didn't do that on purpose. I just came up with a random name for Kane and a name with the same first letter as Zane. I may or may not make a character list.))
Claire told me before third that she might have to take a test during lunch so yeah... ((I should outline my schedule too...)) This is random but I thought of the funniest thing after first period, my English teacher's name is Mrs. Mann, and that's funny itself but then I remembered her husband is a teacher too. His name is Mr. Mann..... Omg I as laughing to myself as I walked down the stairs when I dawned on me! The Mann is great, she is by far my favorite teacher this year.
Tomorrow finals start I have an hour and a half in lunch and Calculus. I'm going to ask my mom to write me a note so I can get food. Unfortunately my school is a closed campus meaning we can leave to get lunch which sucks... There are so many places to eat around here that don't suck like the school cafeteria. Actually I might just get food in the morning and wait it out until lunch. I have a coupon for subway and I don't want to ask my mom to bring me food. I'm going to do that.
My calculus teacher has the best freaking sweater.

She is a fire place! This is genius!!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻Okay so Erin and I switched seats because I needed an outlet for my computer and she sits in front of this guy John, he would be apart of our friend group of he showed up to our study sessions but no

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She is a fire place! This is genius!!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
Okay so Erin and I switched seats because I needed an outlet for my computer and she sits in front of this guy John, he would be apart of our friend group of he showed up to our study sessions but no. Anyway everyday he pushed on the back of her chair and makes everything fall off. Today he did it to me since I sat in her spot and he was like "Erin is lighter" he was having a hard time doing it to me. I gasped, I was shocked and then I was like "are you calling me fat!?" While wearing a cookie... And I liked at it in my hand and we all laughed. It was pretty fun today.
Omfg! Starbucks was great! Erin and Claire came for a bit then left and so Kane and I spent the past two hours just talking and doing calculus. Ugh I can't even explain it all. We just get each other, we rarely have to explain what we mean. We talked about everything, accents, school, our problems (well I did anyway, and he just listened.) we had lots of fun he did his little tick at least four times within the two hours. He's so adorable and sweet and Ughh. This time he did wait for me to get packed up which was nice and we walked out together. We were still talking so he followed me to my car then left to get to his. As I was leaving he was putting his backpack into his car so I honked and startled him. It was great, he looked at me like "I'm going to get you back" and I just shrugged smiling. A big topic was our common interest of comedic scientific books. (Best genre btw) and just random stuff that popped into our heads. He brought up his ex at one point and how he had been asked to have sex which unnerved me a bit but then went back to the ease of everything. When we were first alone I was shaking a bit, slightly because I was nervous and he pointed it out. He was like "why are you shaking?" And I was like "what!?" Because I didn't realize what I was doing and he replied "your finger it's shaking" and then shook his head and dropped it. I soon became aware my whole body was and I instantly felt hot, I was a bit nervous I'll be honest. It was the first time we'd been alone after I told him and after he said he wanted a relationship. So yeah it was a bit unnerving. Ugh and earlier he was like "this cute girl complimented my jacket in the hall" Ughh no call me cute! And ask me out already! We know each other we know we can hold a conversation and you already know I'd say yes so you don't have to worry about rejection! God damn boy! Ask me!!!! I'll say yes just ask! The reason I won't ask him is because he has only ever been asked out! He has never had to have the guts to ask a girl out! So do it once in your life man! Ask me out!!!!
Oh and fun little thing I noticed today while walking into my G-pa's old folks home, I basically dressed like Kim Possible! I'm wearing a long sleeve black crop top with army green pants and boots, if my boots were black and I had a brown belt I could totally be Kim Possible. 😂
So here is the thing about Kane.... He could be gay. I don't think he is but sometimes I question it. He says he isn't and he doesn't get defensive he just states that he isn't. However everyone (my mom, his mom, Claire's mom, Claire, and maybe Erin) think he is.... I mean sometimes I'm like oh gosh he is, he is very feminine which I'm not saying makes him gay but he has his moments.... He is in touch with his feminine side which I could care less about that and I also don't like to assume people are gay, they're just people. Until they flat out tell me I don't say they're are or they aren't. He dresses nicely, likes musicals, has pretty much all girl friends, and is in no way a "manly man". So anyway my mom and I went over to our neighbor's house across the street and we hung out and talked. We call her house the vortex, because once you enter you will not come out for at least an hour. I've been home and looking for my mom only to go over there and find her. Anyway my mom was like "Marggie keep an eye out on this one she had been getting cozy with a boy." As we were leaving my mom is like "I'm not too worried he is gay, I'm not worried he'll whip it out." Marggie laughs and tells me to "not turn my back to him" omg... These women! 😂😂😱 they're so bad I know it's all in good fun so I don't get mad or anything. But by god they're messed up! ((If you don't get it's best for me not to explain....))

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