Saturday & Sunday

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Oh so I almost forgot about this thing! Okay so the other day u needed to get a pass from the library for the yearbook photo and I was like "Hey can anyone do me a favor and get my pass from the library?" Erin said she couldn't because she had to go to practice right after school and Claire just didn't want to. But Kane was like "what do I need to do?" I mean he didn't end up getting it for me Erin did but the fact that he was willing to was nice. 😊 He's sweet. Oh and yesterday I asked him if he wanted to go to Walmart with us to shop and he said like really quietly and in the sweetest voice that he might not be able to go. It was so cute and man I hope he goes because the four of us haven't hung out in a while, like 20 min on Wednesday but that's all...... The girl that is in Claire and i's group for this volunteer thing can't go today because she is babysitting so it might just be Erin, Claire and I which is cool but I want Kane to go. Because well I like spending time with him. Oh and yesterday Zane (the guy in my food science group) and I actually had a conversation not about school or food. I told him about this magic trick this guy at our school did at the talent show and what I said out loud that a few people turned around at. Lol. He's cute and nice but also mildly douchey because of the people he hangs out with but he's decent in comparison. I'd date him if given the chance for sure. In the back of my mind I've always wanted to turn the "bad boy" or the "jock" into the caring, sweet boy friend. Or be the only person he is nice to. Lol movie shit.
I just noticed Kane and I's numbers start the same, it's fate 😂😂😂. I'm so pathetic honestly every time Kane and I either say and do or have something in common I'm like its fate! Or if something happens that connects us somehow I'm like its fate damnit!!!! Oi I so lame.
So Erin and Claire just left. We had a lot of fun. So we shopped for an hour then came to my house where we talked about boobs and stuff. I fell over the gate to keep my dogs out and ended up falling and hitting my head so I had this huge bruise over my eye but it's all good now. It hurt really bad for a bit but I'm fine. We kept texting Kane how he missed a chance to hang out with us because we had so much fun. The majority of our time wrapping we were all silently laughing, the best kind of laughter. Mostly at me 😂😂😂 now I'm just waiting for my baby cousins to come over and watch Christmas movies with them and eat lasagna! Yay! Fun stuff. My hump hurts when I'm upside down or raise my eye brow... It looks like I have a prominent brow bone.
The babies came and I got to play with them! I gave them my clothes and dressed them in a scarf and heels 😂😂😂 It was so cute I couldn't stop laughing. The smaller one had the smaller heels and was making the most annoying sound but it was super cute, then they asked for a purse and hat. They looks hilarious, the five year old was walking so sassily. It was a lot of fun, then we ate and I had to threaten that I wouldn't play with them until they both ate all their lasagna. They are it so fast, I couldn't believe they wanted to play so bad, I thought it was one sided 😂. Then we watched Enchanted, they both laid next to me on the couch, it was adorable, I love them so much. They're the reason I want kids. The older one (she's the five year old) drew a picture and it was so good! She gave everyone with moderately dark hair black hair and anyone who was blonde yellow hair. Her parents have brown hair but it's dark in comparison to her's. I've been in their life since the beginning and I can't wait until they're older and we can go shopping and talk about boys! 😂 lol jk no boy is getting near them! I promised the older one this scarf of mine, I told her when she is older I'll give it to her, this is a reminder to me. (FUTURE ME: The purple one!)
My mom was super grumpy because my brother was going to be late to brunch. He was.... Not by too long though, the food was good I got fat!! Yay!!  Ate too much and felt sick but that's what life is all about being fat and happy am I right?!? I love food. I met my brother's dog, Eliot. He was really cute my dogs for the most part liked him, except for one but it's all good. He was really sweet and had the funniest little trot, he didn't bend his legs 😂 My bro and his gf were acting like such parents, it's was super cute. We put up our decorations and watched our favorite Christmas movie, Elf, it's hilarious we all laughed before the funny part because we know what's coming. Then I woke up early on Monday to do homework I didn't do over the weekend....

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