Character list

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Elizabeth- the main character and the point of view in which this is written.
Kane- ex (as of the new year) main love interest, friend. One member of the calculus group.
Claire- friend, another member of the calculus group.
Erin- friend, last member of the calculus group.
Mack- new member of the calculus group as of graduation.
Jack- gay best friend, best person in the entire world.
Rachel- friend that is currently not talking to me.
Natalie- friend that I met through Rachel, things are awkward between us.
Grandpa- name, Joe. Best grandpa ever!!  I weekly visit him and help at his old folks home with happy hour. Often called G-pa or gramps.
Zane- guy that I think is attractive in my food science and English class. Also in my kitchen. Possible new love interest?
Victoria- friend I've known since freshman year that is in my food science kitchen.
Kendall- friend I met this year, really bubbly and nice. Last member of my kitchen in food science.
Mom- person I tell everything to and love to death. Sometimes frustrating.
Daisy- (not sure if I've mentioned her or not...) confidant, lives in another state, bestie.
Pizza Hut guy- waiter at Pizza Hut near my school that I think is attractive and who my mo wants me to get to know. Name, Brian.
Other mother- other woman who adopted me not a big part of my life.
Brother- name, doesn't matter. I'll mention him though. Has a girlfriend and a dog named Eliot.
Zack- Kane's confidant, met him once.
Alex- Kane's attractive friend, have met once! (As of February 23rd)
Courtney- friend since junior year, known since freshman. Mutual friend with all my friends.

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