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So I've been very busy this summer so far. I know it's going to be short lived because Claire is leaving for camp in a week and we hang out a lot so I won't have my friend to hang out with. 😫 Anyway I've been hanging out with the group and yesterday was the last day we could all hang out in theory. Erin wasn't there though.... anyway we dropped off Max and Kane, Claire and I went back to my house to talk. We swam earlier and ate Chinese food. It was around 11 and we were just talking about everything, like we do. Then randomly Kane says "I forget that you used to like me" out of the blue! It was so random. So after we were joking about it cause we can now and I told him the whole story of me leading up to telling him and after. Then he gave me his side of the story which I liked knowing. But he brought it up so randomly that it's making me rack my brain and I'm so confused when it comes to him.... I DONT UNDERSTAND HIM! But I do at the same time, it's a weird thing....he's so annoying! Like do I like him? Or are we just really good friends?!? I never know with him.... So now completely unrelated Kane got us all to play Dungeons and Dragons, which is actually really fun! 😂😂 And his friend that I definitely don't like thinks I like him, Zack. Not sure if I've talked much about him. But Claire texts him from my phone and flirts with him which is the most annoying thing ever! So yeah and I think he is going to join our DnD group at some point. Also we played Cards Against Humanity yesterday. And this is probably the most wholesome play I've ever seen:

I've been volunteering a lot too, every Wednesday I do this thing called Girl's club and it's a group of special needs girls that I basically just hang out with

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I've been volunteering a lot too, every Wednesday I do this thing called Girl's club and it's a group of special needs girls that I basically just hang out with. We do fun things that their parents aren't allowed to go to because it's to help them become more independent. It's very fun. ❤️

I have no idea where this "book" is going. It's really just so I can get things off my chest. I'll end it at the end of the summer and start a new one when I get to college. I can't wait to start my life.

Another thing! Kane is honestly the perfect boyfriend. No freaking lie. He's so fucking sweet, he's a great guy, he's romantic, sensitive. Like whatever girl is lucky enough to date him better know how damn lucky she is. Cause honestly he's he best. The best any girl could ask for. I hope one day I get to tell her how lucky she is.

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