Someone added my story to their reading list!!!

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Omg so I was just casually checking Wattpad after I put on some fake eyelashes and oh my stars! I'm so happy! Someone is gonna read about my boring ass life! Super exciting!
In other news I'm wearing false eyelashes right now for fun. Practicing for prom with ones left over from Halloween.

I think they look adorable on

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I think they look adorable on. I bought individual lashes for prom to look more natural but I might get a new pair that is one piece. Individual are harder I think, because you have to take more time to do them and they are harder to get straight. So might switch them. Anyway yeah. Attempted to study for my calculus test tomorrow but not gonna happen.... and I had an APES project due today but I didn't go to class due to a dentist appointment so now I'm just going to turn it in Monday cause I'm a senior and don't care anymore. lol that's a really bad excuse but oh well. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ stay in school kids and don't succumb to senioritus.
In boy news, we were making chicken pot pie and I didn't follow my teacher's directions at all and we ended up having a great pie anyway! Go Elizabeth for being a rebel! We were also super extra. We have to label our food so instead of making a normal label I made a label out of dough.

(Period 2, Kitchen 3)Zane and I bickered the majority of the time due to his laziness but he listened to me and did as I asked which was nice

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(Period 2, Kitchen 3)
Zane and I bickered the majority of the time due to his laziness but he listened to me and did as I asked which was nice. We also worked together very well. He's adorable as always.
Now for Kane, I know I keep saying I'm over him but I'm so not. I legitimately thought I was in love for a bit. I still kind of think I am even though the thought of like kissing him or holding hands weirdo me out I still feel this pull to him. I asked him a question about calculus but the said never mind I figured it out. He told me anyway and then I replied that I knew I just had a brain fart. He replied oh, cool. My text didn't require a response. And he is not the person to respond a lot. I just found it odd. I know him well and normally he wouldn't respond, to me it seemed as if he was trying to keep the conversation going. I'm reading too much into this, but that's me so oh well.
Visited gramps today as usual, he couldn't understand me due to my retainer I got from the dentist. It's awkward to talk and I salivate so much. The bottom one is mildly painful and I've taken it out a couple of times just to relax a bit. My wisdom teeth are coming in soon which I'm excited about because then I get to be put on laughing gas! That shit is the best. I had to get teeth removed before I got my braces and it was the best 45 minutes. I was so happy and giggly it was great. The dental assistant wasn't too thrilled because I couldn't keep my mouth open but oh well.

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