Chapter 29

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BG had done his radio tour of Alabama on Monday and half of Tuesday before he headed to the farm to hunt. Ko and BG were in the shooting house and had their backs to each other watching out over 2 separate fields. BG asked,"Why did you let me waste all this time Ko? Why didn't you whoop my ass for hurting JJ?"
"Well BG I thought about it more than once but then I decided that if I wanted to keep JJ in my life I had to respect her wishes. Also I knew or hoped that y'all would end up at the same place at the same time. Either at Momma's or here, I just didn't think it would take this long. But I think JJ kept up with where you were so she planned her trips when there was no chance of you being home at Momma's." Ko responded
"I just can't believe I let 5 years go without trying to see her in person. I think of what could have been and where we might be instead of just starting out now." BG said.
Ko told him," Bro you can't do that you have to let it go, it happened for a reason and JJ well she needed to prove to herself that she could make it without riding your coat tails. She is successful at her job, she's been the county coach of the year the last 2 years took a team from last to first and honestly has a good shot at a state title this year. She's going places if she wants to, she made playoffs last year but was a player away from having it. She's got it plus depth this year. Others will be offering her jobs before long, if they haven't already. JJ has learned to be content with where she is and what she has, same hometown girl just a lot more independent and stronger than you remember. So my advice is to listen to her and what she tells you she wants."
" Thanks brother, I will now watch me take this ole boy down." BG said as he raised the rifle and shot a buck.
They hauled it back to the house on the four wheeler and went to work gutting and cleaning it. It was after dark when they finished and got cleaned up. BG and Ko headed into town to the local diner to eat supper. As they were leaving BG gets a text

JJ: Just wanted you to know that you were on my mind
BG: That's good to know darlin cause you are always on mine. Now are you ready to coach your girls to another win?
JJ: You know I am ready for any game but just wanted to hear from you, kinda miss that pretty face of yours
BG: I miss you and your beautiful face, just finished up eating with Ko. Got a nice buck this evening.
JJ: Does that mean I will see you soon
BG: Maybe, do you want to see me?
JJ : Yes I do and I'm not ashamed to say it. I miss you and I cannot wait until I see you again. So have fun with Ko at the farm and let me know when you head my way. Got to go it's almost game time.
BG: okay go kickass baby and I will talk to you later.
BG and Ko head back to the farm and he tells Ko that he's gonna surprise JJ on Thursday by taking her lunch to school and watching her girls play cause he doesn't have anything else to do this weekend and he thinks JJ said he could hunt there too.
Ko told him that he would be able to hunt and that he, himself had planned to go watch them play on Friday, but tomorrow they needed to hit the woods early. BG agreed and then he told Ko that Rhett Akins and Thomas were coming to hunt and write tomorrow also.


JJ coached her girls to a big area win and as she walked out of the locker room her phone rung. It was a Georgia number so she answered it.
JJ: Hello
Coach Taylor: Hey JJ this is Coach Taylor I looked at your girls film. She's good and I was wondering if y'all were playing Friday cause we are coming in to play in Tuscaloosa on Saturday and I thought I might drop by and see what she was like in a live game.
JJ: Coach Taylor yes we do play Friday at home and it should be a good game to watch. We are playing a school in our county and it's an area game and predictions are that we will be area winners and runners up and make a run in the playoffs. So it's a high pressure game. You will see what she is made of. I don't plan on telling anyone cause I want you to see her in her natural element until after the game.
CT: I was going to ask you not to say anything for that reason. Now any thought to my offer?
JJ : Lots of thought to your offer but focused on my team right now. I owe them my top attention. We are looking to meet our goals. And just so you know my girls only found out a couple of weeks ago that I played college ball. Most people around here don't know it. Well they may now depends on the kids, you can't tell how they are gonna react with news like that. So don't be offended if people don't know who you are.
CT: I know this may sound weird but I really like it that way. I can get a true feel for a town player like that.
JJ: sounds good coach I will see you Friday night
CT: okay see you Friday

JJ stayed and helped clean up the gym so it would be ready tomorrow during school for practice. As she was heading to her truck the hair on her neck stood up and her phone was ringing.
JJ answered,"Hey cowboy hold on a minute."
She took her handgun out and chambered a round and started her truck and made sure the doors locked.
"Okay BG I'm back"
"JJ why did you chamber a round babygirl? "
"Eerie feeling leaving the gym just now hair on my neck stood up so I have learned to be safe since I am alone. But I'm in the truck, doors locked and on my way home. So what are you doing?"
"Well I am worried about you now, going in your house all alone. So stay on the line with me but we won't be talking until you are inside safe and sound."
"Okay I will cowboy, pulling in now. So the phone is going on my pocket so I can have both my hands on my pistol. Getting out now. Walking to the door and unlocking now, inside and alarm is disarmed and armed back. Now taking you out of my pocket."
"Good job JJ, now walk through the house and make sure all is good."
" all good but I'm putting you on speaker so I can talk to you and change out of these clothes"
"You trying to kill me baby?"
Laughing JJ says," No just want to get comfortable. Coach Taylor called tonight she's interested in Oakley and is coming on Friday. They are playing Sat in Tuscaloosa so she's gonna come see in person. I'm not telling anyone so she will get the full effect of Oakley playing. Now tell me what you are doing"
"Well I have 2 songwriters coming to hunt and write tomorrow cause I have a new album that is coming out and I got to keep ahead on my songs. Plus they are great friends. But right now I have just crawled into my bed while I talk to my girl"
"Well that is interesting cause I just got between the sheets while I am talking to my man"
"Tell me what you have on"
"That Dragons tshirt I took from you when I was 16, it makes me think of you. When I get to missing you I put it on and think about you."
"Ah babe that ain't fair I know when you wear that shirt that's all you have on"
"Well if I know you then I know you are buck naked in between those sheets"
"You do know me, I love you JJ"
"I love you BG"
"I'm gonna let you get to sleep baby girl and I will talk to you tomorrow. Stay safe."
"Okay and I will the pistol is on the nightstand just so you know. Goodnight cowboy."
"Goodnight baby girl "

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