Chapter 12

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JJ wakes up and knows she isn't alone cause of the big arm that weighs a ton draped across her chest. She looks to her left and sees BG and he's softly snoring. She just stops and looks at him. In his sleep, she can see the teenage boy she fell in love with all those years ago. There is a softness there that goes away when he is awake. As she continues to stare at him memorizing every feature of his face, he says in his rough morning voice, "darlin what's on your mind that you are staring at me like I'm gonna disappear in front of your eyes?"
    JJ said," Just memorizing your face and the changes in it, cause when you are asleep I see the teenage boy I knew because you are relaxed and care free."
  BG laughs and said," yeah I don't do relaxed and carefree much anymore. Always working on something , whether it's new music, tour or radio interviews. My life gets pretty hectic at times, hell I wake up on tour and have no idea what city I am even in. What about you, want to tell me  about being a school nurse?"
    JJ smiled," I love being a school nurse. I love my kids they are my family. I hate seeing them mistreated by anyone and that is the part of my job that I hate. Knowing they need help but the parents haven't done anything bad enough for them to be taken away. I hate the paperwork that I have to do now, but it's all part of it. There are some kids that just steal your heart and the pain you feel well it's hard sometimes. It wears on me and I have to take time away but like yesterday one of my girls boyfriends decided to beat the shit out of her. She wouldn't tell anyone who did it, was asking for me. So no matter what was going on in my life I drop everything and head to see her. I tell them I am there for them and I mean it and I stand by it.  They know that I was beaten, I talk openly about it to them. I guess you can say I am an advocate for speaking against Domestic Violence. I have told my story to several groups and that helps me get over it. I was able to talk her into pressing charges and she's a minor he isn't so the DA will follow up without her if necessary. Even though I would do it all over again , it just takes a lot out of me."
  "Did you press charges against Jace?" BG asks
JJ laughed,"Yeah I did, not that it did any good the DA plea bargained cause it was his first time being in any kind of trouble and he had to go to anger management classes and was on probation for 3 months until he completed his classes. So I get why victims don't want to press charges cause they feel like they take it up the ass when they do and if it is a spouse or boyfriend well it just makes things worse."
  BG pulls her in closer and said," Are you shittin me JJ he got 3 months probation?"
    JJ said," no that is all and Kolby kicked his ass from what I was told but he didn't wind up in the hospital for 3 days"
  BG said," I'm sorry JJ, I will never be able to say that enough."
  JJ said," I know that and I know that if you had known that I called you would have come. I've been angry for 5 years and I find out my anger has been directed at the wrong person. So I have to come to terms with the fact that Amber set out to destroy us and I just about let her. I'm not the same person BG. I've changed I decided when I left Jefferson that I would never be a victim again and I took steps to be proactive. I don't rely on anyone anymore I am independent and stubborn to a fault, if you talk to Ko. "
BG laughed,"that's not new JJ to me you have always been those things."
JJ laughed," How are you really BG? I mean you basically left Amber standing on the side of the road. I know that you love her hell, she was the one you thought had gotten away. It's me JJ you are talking to now. You don't just turn off those feelings, hell I know I've tried for the past 5 years."
BG looked at JJ and sat up against the headboard pulling her up with him. "Honestly I'm hurt and pissed that I let her come between us. Then I am so damn angry that she kept your calls from me knowing I was tore up about you just leaving. I pulled the bottle down again and more than once almost started back cause I was missing you so damn bad. She knew and watched it all and never said a damn word. What kind of person does that to someone they say that they love? I finally see her for what she is and that is a vindictive, self absorbed jealous bitch. The changes she was wanting me to make well let's just say things weren't great before I found out what she had done. She wanted me to change my image go more mainstream cause I would get more support. That was the biggest thing we fought about besides the wedding. I refused to do a big Nashville wedding and all that shit. She wanted a Carrie Underwood type wedding and I haven't changed that much in 5 years so you know that ain't me. I mean do you see me in pink and no hat, no rings or chains? That was what she wanted. So I refused to set a date. I knew the breakup was coming cause in all honesty I had figured out that it wasn't fair to marry someone I couldn't give my whole heart to. And yeah I've still got to process it and deal with the media that will come but I can honestly say I woke up feeling like a 50 pound ton weight was lifted off my shoulders."
  JJ is shaking trying to hold her laughter in and BG raises his eyebrow and she loses it laughing so hard she has tears running down her face," you ... in.... pink..... I ....see.....that"
BG laughed, "you would have loved to see my face when she told me that"
Ko came in and asked," what's so funny?"
JJ answered," BG wearing pink"
Ko laughed and said,"you should have seen his reaction to that it still makes me laugh remembering it. So y'all gonna stay in bed all day or y'all want to get up and have some fun riding the farm trails today?"
  BG and JJ look at each other and shrug their shoulders and both laugh getting out of the bed. JJ goes to Ko's room and grabs her clothes and heads to the bathroom. She comes out with  a ratty pair of jeans that are so worn that they are almost see through and a camo tshirt that hugs her figure. She has her hair up in a ponytail and a Georgia ball cap on and heads downstairs. She slips her boots on and heads outside to the shed where Ko keeps the toys. The guys are already there and Ko has her 4 wheeler out and BG is in the razor and Ko chose the other razor. They head off wide open tearing up the trails. JJ hasn't had this much fun in a long time. It's like the last 5 years
hasn't happened and then again it has. All she knows is she has her best friend back and it feels damn good.

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