Head start-

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 Chapter 7 (Scav)-

   I looked at the wall in front of me; checking for structural imperfection. I backed away as my axes materialized in my hands and I readied the one in my left then swing it toward the wall. I followed it up by swinging the other in the same way.
   My armor works in a curious way; there's a mid layer in which my axes can travel through my armor and appear anywhere on my body. I wear a dark orange undershirt with a smooth black jacket and a black cowboy hat with a dark orange belt around it. My pants are black with orange shin guards with a belt and black shoes with orange laces to top it off. I also have a black ring with an orange gem that matches my eyes. On the inside of the ring there is an engraving that says "equally as strong..." but the other half of the phrase is on another ring which is said to be one's soul mate. They were made like that in the heart of Menagerie island as part of tradition.

I reached the top of the building and heard Layric whistling a signal which meant to meet me at his location. My response was a similar pitch but it had a different pattern; signaling him to rendezvous at my location. I scanned the building from the top of the bell tower and noticed how much it resembled a medieval structure.

The building was an old grey, plus shaped, stone structure that looked castle-like and had four guard towers above each of the building's exits.

I took in my surroundings and noticed people were already up; I looked for patterns like where people like to group up and where and who they tried to avoid. You can tell alot about people by the way they walk, talk, and how they react to others. Humans like to give facial expressions to tell people how they feel but faunus use their pheromones and body language to show their feelings. Mostly.

"Finally, There you are," Came a voice from behind me; Layric, of course, "I followed your path of destruction you left on the wall. You climb everything like you're trying to tear it down?"

"It's not destruction if the wall has not collapsed. And well, it's fun," I stated with bland humor.

"Head Mistress won't appreciate it, and she seems like she's psychic or something, maybe she'll know you did it. I still have no clue how she knew where I was in the woods, she's one of the only people who've spotted me lurking."

"I really could care less right now and yeah she is kind of weird," I said, looking over my shoulder, "she reminds me of a cleric from my village."

"She does seem mystic," Layric mused, "Anyway, You know anything about what the trial is supposed to be like? I don't want to end up with a team of incompetent idiots, and it's likely she'll select our teams during the trial. We're good at rigging things in our favor, if we know the rules," He said confidently.

" I like the idea, but I have a feeling she'll know that we did something," I argued, "I also think she'll put us on the same team because we work well together."

"That's true, but who knows. Maybe she'll pull some 'learn to work with others' bullshit. I don't think I can work with a stuck up Atlas princess or some lazy moron who doesn't know what they're doing," Layric said Irritably. Out of nowhere an airship appeared from the sky and landed at the northern landing pads. The ramp opened, revealing Claren and Axi standing at the foot of the ship's ramp.  That was something I wasn't expecting to see today...or ever.

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