episode 6 - we all need answers (3)

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Victoria Monroe walked with the swagger of a goddess - powerful, intimidating, and very eye-catching. The words SUCK IT were spread on the front of her crop top, while a leather jacket draped over her left shoulder, and leather pants and knee high boots concluded her ensemble. 

But apart from her biker girl-like sense of fashion, the main thing people noticed first about her were the tattoos. They were simple, but very eerie. Faces of countless girls were inked on her arms and torso - some leading up to her neck.

Knocking on the door of FooSoo - an exclusive underground club for monsters, a bouncer came out. He had two horns on his head and a goat's legs below his waist. "Hands," he said. Victoria opened her palms. The bouncer took out a knife from his back pocket and slit her hand, black blood dripped out. "Have a wonderful time, Victoria." He opened the door for her, and the woman went inside without saying a word.

All kinds of monsters were interacting in the club, whether conducting business or paying for pleasure. It was a place they were free from humans, especially hunters. Scanning the room closely, she spotted the two men she was there for, standing next to a tall round table. 

She chuckled after taking a proper look at them. Instead of wearing their usual coveralls, they donned fancy suits, as though they were legit businessmen. Getting near them, they hadn't seen her. They were busy staring at a vampire stripper on stage. 

"Yoko. Uno," she called, and the two Dead Dealers turned around, stunned. 

"You're here," Yoko said, his raven-black hair looking darker than usual, and his beard nicely combed for the first time. 

"Of course, I am. We did plan on meeting up. Unless I am mistaken."

"No, you're not. It's just that you took time to get here. It's been two hours since our agreed time."

"I know." Victoria glanced at Uno, who was busy drinking from his red cup, silent as always. "I see you two are having a good time," she said.

"We had to improvise. We couldn't just stand here," Yoko replied. "Anyway, can we get back to why we're here?"

"Gladly. Tell me, were you able to get the money from the Gremlins?" she asked.

"No," Yoko shook his head, "We hit a bump after we got there."

"A bump?" Her brow quivered. She hated when Yoko used sentences she couldn't understand. "What do you mean?"

"Mindy was there," he said.

She sighed. "I told you, if Mindy intervenes, just call her by her real name. It would distract her."

"I know, but Mindy wasn't the..." Yoko turned away from Victoria and towards the stage when he heard the other monsters cheering. Apparently, his favorite stripper, Jackie Danielle, had taken the stage. 

"Yoko," she called the Dead Dealer, "focus." But the man hadn't heard her. "Uno, make him turn around," she told the bald man. 

Uno slapped Yoko, and the latter cried in pain before turning around, holding his cheek. "What was that for?" Yoko asked, grimacing. But Uno shrugged before he continued with his drink. 

"Focus, Yoko," Victoria told him. "Now, what is this bump you were talking about?"

"Joe Turner. Mindy was there with Joe, and they stopped us from taking the money."

Victoria patted her forehead, her eyes closed. Of course, Joe was there. Why had she forgotten that? Mindy had asked Daisy to help her in her hunt for the two Leprechauns. But the woman suggested her brother instead, as she was busy with her manuscript. "I hated listening to that stupid story of hers. Who names their character Hunter X? Fucking idiot." She sucked in her teeth.

Focusing back on the Dead Dealers, she asked, "How much damage did the two do?"

"They killed my men, and Frank."

Victoria's eyes grew. "The Croco? Shit." She had paid Frank a lot of money to make sure he protected the two idiots in case a hunter, or one of their enemies, tried to interfere in their business. Now that he was gone, she had to find another Croco to serve as a guard to Yoko and Uno. But the creatures were scarce, and didn't come cheap if found. "That's a lot of money we lost from the Gremlins." At that moment, she regretted getting into business with the Leprechauns. 

"Don't worry, we will go back for it. Either the Gremlins give us what's ours, or we take it by force," Yoko said, and that made Uno smile. The latter always loved a fight, though most of the time he didn't get to as his main concern was making sure Yoko lived.

"Any other bad news?" Victoria asked.

"Not that we know of," Yoko answered.

"Alright. Putting that aside for now, I have exciting news. Remember when I told you I felt Mindy had a special connection to Daisy?" she asked in a cheerful tone.

"How can we forget, you talked about it everyday."

"I finally found out what that connection is." She smiled, baring all her teeth. "Remember Mindy's abusive father?"

"Your mother told us about him. Mindy burnt down his house."

"Yes, him. After I had read about Daisy's kidnapping, I conducted my own little experiment to test my theory of Mindy and Daisy's connection. I began leaving clues for Daisy to find which would make her remember the day she was kidnapped. None of them worked, until a few hours ago. Daisy came back from her fun work-trip and found a letter addressed to Alice, and she had another one of her panic attacks."

"But isn't Alice Mindy's real name?" Yoko scratched his beard.

"It is. And after Daisy had her near-death experience, she told me what had happened to her before and after she was kidnapped, and that was when I made the connection to Mindy. Turns out, after Mindy burned down her father's house, the man tried to replace her by kidnapping girls who looked exactly like her."

"But Mindy and Daisy look nothing alike."

"You're right." Victoria held her chin. "We need clarity, and the only man who could give us that is Mindy's father." 

"Isn't he dead?" Yoko asked.

"No. Your new job now is to find Mindy's father and tell him you've found Alice. But don't tell him which one. I want to see the look on Mindy and Daisy's faces when they realize he is back after them." She grinned.

Yoko nodded. "Uno and I are on it, Moon."

Victoria grabbed his collar and pulled him over the table, their faces not far from each other. "I may share a face and body with her, but I am not that good-for-nothing girl. Do you understand!"

Yoko gulped, nodding. "Yes. Please, forgive me for my mistake. It won't happen again, Doll Maker." 

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