episode 9 - three generations (2)

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"Cleo, wait up," Clint said, chasing after his soon-to-be ex-wife. "Can we talk about what happened at the restaurant?"

"No," replied Cleopatra, gripping the gun in her palms tight. "I made my decision, and it's final." She kicked one of the classroom's door and checked inside, only to find nothing. Turning around, she almost bumped into Clint. 

"Please, don't do this. I love you." Clint put his gun back into its holster and held her hands, catching Cleo off guard as she looked confused. "Think about our kids."

"Don't use Joe and Daisy for your personal agenda. You barely care about Joe anyway." She yanked her hands from his grasp and continued with the search for the tourists. 

Clint watched her walk way with a frown. If I can't make have you, then no one will.  He rejoined his wife's side and searched the building silently. 

Though they may have been out of the game for a couple of years, they still maintained their highly trained stealth that made them one of the most dangerous hunters in the world. They were almost ninja-like silent as they moved through the rubble-filled hallway. 

Unlike their daughter who preferred using a machete, or their son who chose axes, Clint and Cleo were old school hunters like Bush and Susan. They used guns with bullets made from the ashes of a unicorn's horn, which was a faster and efficient way of killing monsters rather than trying to chop off their heads - especially dealing with quick creatures like vampires.

As the two moved, they realized it was quiet, too quiet for their own liking. But it was not the first time Clint and Cleo had been in a situation where the enemy could not be heard. A few years before the twins were born, Clint and Cleo went on a case out of town. Back then they used to take jobs from people who claimed that their houses were haunted - most of the times it turned out to be true.

When they got to one of the haunted houses, it was quiet at first. The mother had told them she believed her son was possessed and he was hiding somewhere in her home. Later on, they found out the mother was also possessed, but by an even stronger spirit. 

A spirit they had fought before.

If it was any other inexperienced hunter, he or she would have died instantly. But Clint and Cleo recognized the fog-like air that appeared before a spirit attacked, and they used it to their advantage. They killed the mother and son, ending the terror that had consumed the town for weeks.

"Where are they?" Cleopatra asked, frustration oozing out of her voice. 

"Bairns are usually reckless. If they are hiding from us, then an Elder must be controlling them," said Clint.

"You're right."

"I always am." Though he never admitted it, Clint knew his attitude of proving his wife wrong all the time was one of the things that caused her to fall out of love with him. "Let's check in here." He pushed one of the classroom's dusty doors and found six people laying on the floor, barely breathing. Their clothes were torn and they had bite-mark wounds on their necks.

"Bairns have got to them," Cleo said. "They will transition soon and be after us. What should we do?" She gazed at Clint. 

He took out his gun. "I can't let them live so they could blindside us later." He shot each of them in the head and they bust in sparkles of fire immediately. Then him and Cleopatra got out of the room in search of survivors. 

"Is it me or does it seem like those people were left there to be killed," Cleo said, but Clint didn't answer. Over the next fifteen minutes, each abandoned classroom they entered, they found more bitten people. And the husband and wife duo didn't let them slip away, taking their lives. 

"I heard gun shots," said Bush over the walkie-talkie. "Clint, I know that's you. I hope those are bairns you're killing and not infected humans. Over."

Clint grabbed the talkie from his waist and placed close to his mouth. "Only Bairns over here, no sight of any human so far. Over," he lied, and Cleo gave him a cold stare. He knew she hated lying to Bush, but they had to at that moment. It didn't matter that they were not on good terms, the two shared the same values when it came to monsters or those allied with them: 

They should all die.  

"OK, tell me when you find any survivors. Over," said Bush.

"I will. Over."

Cleo stared at him, shook her head, then sighed before leaving. Clint stared at her from behind. He had missed being alone with her, especially during hunts. After Joe had revealed their infidelities, his bedroom had become like a haunting place to sleep in. All he could think about was Cleo. It was nonstop. And he promised himself he would do whatever it took to get her back.

"Clint, come and see," called Cleo.

He went and saw twelve children - seeming not older than fourteen -  covered in blood with bite marks on their necks. 

Oh no.   

The hardest part had come. Dealing with young creatures. Back when he didn't have kids, he wouldn't have thought twice about killing them. A monster was a monster to him. No matter what shape, form or size it was. It could kill someone instantly. 

But now that he had children of his own, he had grown to show more empathy.

Cleo placed her hand on his shoulder. "We have to do this," she said. "A monster is a monster, remember? That has always been our motto."

"I know." He rubbed away the tears in his eyes with the back of his hands. "Moments like these reminds me of why I stopped hunting. High chance of being scarred for life." He looked at her. "Those werewolves kids me and my brother killed years ago still haunt me in my dreams to this day." 

Long ago, him and Joseph went in search of a nine year old girl after her father had reported her missing. They later found out the girl had ran away from home because she had activated her werewolf curse by accidentally killing her mother after she pushed the woman down a flight of stairs. 

It was a playful act turned worse.

Him and Joseph found the girl eating an old woman in the park, and they killed her with no remorse. 

Cleo grabbed his cheeks and looked into his eyes. "Let's do this. You and I know very well Bush wouldn't do harm to these kids if he finds out they are bitten. Instead, he will send them to other vampires and allow their community to grow. We can't let that happen."

"But-" Before he could say anything, he felt Cleo's lips on his own. Warmth spread through his body like fire and his heart's rate increased. It had been awhile since they had kissed, and he missed that. 

Cleo let go and said, "We swore to protect our city from monsters. Do you remember?"

Not wanting to disappoint his wife and add another layer to their strained relationship, he replied, "I do." Then he glanced at the bitten children and added, "Let's kill them." 

The two aimed their guns at the twelve kids. Deep inside, Clint hoped someone or something would interrupt them so he would have an excuse not to do it. 

"One," Cleo began the countdown.

Anyone, please, show up.


Dad, call me from the talkie.


They fired multiple rounds, echoing throughout the building as the children's bodies turned into clouds of fire, before leaving behind sparkles of flame falling on the ground.

Clint stood in silent, staring into the place where the bitten kids once were. It was hard to take in what he had done. He knew he shouldn't have felt that way, but he couldn't help it. After Cleo had kissed him, he felt obliged to do what she asked if it would help to them reconnect.

"Come on, we need to go," said Cleopatra, grabbing his hand and pulling him along.

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