episode 12 - the lunch lady (2)

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Dawn Hill was found on top of Curable Hill. According to local beliefs, the hill was given that name because it had a life of its own - having the capability of healing someone who was on the brink of death. But it was said that was only possible if the Hill deemed the person "worthy".

It was a large town compared to most in Jericho, capable of housing more than fifty thousand residents (excluding tourists). It depended on agriculture for income, making it one of the top towns/cities that generate high revenue for the state.

"Dammit!" Jojo punched the steering wheel, then placed her forehead on it. They had arrived in Dawn Hill. parking outside a three and a half star motel called Hannakah's Day N' Nite. "Why didn't you guys warn me before I spoke back at the apartment?"

Joe and Somo were silent; the former probably in disbelief that Sly was actually involved with the kidnappings, while the latter out of fear of his sister.

"Doesn't matter. Now you know," replied Daisy.

"Why, why, why." Jojo banged her head on the wheel repeatedly, causing the horn to beep each time. Her body temperature was at an all time high. "Now what are going to do?"

"What do you mean, we?"

"Don't you understand English, baboon?" asked Jojo. "Me and Somo are Creeper hunters. We are the best option you have at defeating Slenderman and his proxies. Especially now that we now who they are."

"We should... should... be... um... um... worried about-"

"Shut up, Somo!" barked Jojo. "I am thinking here." She sat upright and rubbed her hands on her face. This is bad. These idiots have no clue what they are doing. How have they been alive for this long? 

She took a deep breath, then continued, "As I told you before, Slenderman sees through his proxies. Since Sly is one of them, it means he knows what we know about him. The Creeper must be using the detective as a host, meaning he will manipulate evidence for as long as he wants and make the case unsolvable."

"That's why we have to kill him," Daisy said. 

"How?" asked Jojo. "How can we do that when you're best friend is under his control? If we keep on not involving Sly in our plans, he will know that we know about him. And we don't know what he will do next."

"He might harm Sly," Joe said.

"I don't give a shit about Sly. Things have gotten harder than I hoped." She sighed. "Let's just go. We will deal with it when we get back to Ramere." She opened the door and stepped out. The others followed. 

Walking inside the motel, they were greeted by a man wearing a white shirt and blue jeans at the front desk. "Welcome to Hannaka's Day N' Nite, how may I be of service?" he sounded dead inside. It was as if someone had drained all the enthusiasm from his body.   

"Two double-bed rooms," Jojo told him.

The man reached for the shelf behind him. It had multiple keys hung on nails. "We only accept cash here. That will be fifty dollars per room." He stared at them, not blinking even once. 

Jojo reached inside her purse. "Don't worry, guys, I'll pay." She looked at Daisy and Joe. "I know you're poor." She handed the man a hundred dollar bill and took one key and handed the other to Somo. "You'll share a room with Joe, I'll go with this baboon." She pointed at Daisy.

The two groups went their separate ways. Jojo and Daisy got to their room (which was on the opposite side to where Joe and Somo were) and opened the door. Blue curtains fell before the window, while white sheets covered the twin beds with matching pillows. 

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